I think your piece was wonderfully written and I applaud you for it, but I could not open the letter to Susan Rice. Whatever it said to her, it falls on deaf ears. Mrs. Rice is an abominable woman, whose actions or rather inactions make her one of the most disgusting humans to ever walk the halls of the UN-and that is saying a lot. Her feelings towards Eritrea are well known and her attacks are personal. The true testament of her character is Rwanda and for that reason she is someone that should never be engaged. The call should be for us to leave our membership in the UN. The UN has repeatedly worked against Eritrea , regardless of what we do to ingratiate ourselves. unless Eritrea is willing to completely change its beliefs, principals, morals,views,and ideals we will not ever get justice at the UN. If you or I paid dues, followed the rules,did all that was asked of us in any other volunteer organization-scholastic,social,or professional- and were continuously treated like second-class citizens,unequals and the rules just don't apply to us we would leave that organization. I just think it is a charade. If the UN was truly a body of the world , then yes, but we all know it is the US and that's it. They even deny visas to our officials!!!! Unless the UN becomes really the United Nations we have to leave.
Received on Sat Mar 24 2012 - 22:20:10 EDT