[DEHAI] A Conversation with Mohamed ElBaradei

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From: wolda002@umn.edu
Date: Mon Feb 02 2009 - 22:30:39 EST

A Conversation with Mohamed ElBaradei

Sunday 01 February 2009


by: Lally Weymouth, The Washington Post

Mohamed ElBaradei, the director general of the International Atomic Energy
Agency. (Photo: Reuters)

    As director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
did Mohamed ElBaradei soft-pedal Iran's nuclear ambitions to ensure that
the Bush administration wouldn't attack that country? That's what many in
the former administration, as well as nonproliferation experts of various
political backgrounds, assert. Last week, at the World Economic Forum in
Davos, Switzerland, ElBaradei sat down with Newsweek-Washington Post's
Lally Weymouth to defend his record. Excerpts:

    Q: Some in the United States claim that between 2003 and 2007, you
protected Iran because you did not want to see a U.S. military attack on
it. In retrospect, do you think you allowed Iran to push the limits?

    A. This is a complete misunderstanding. We have done as much as we can
do in Iran to make sure that we understand the history and the present
status of their program, to try to push them as far as we can within our
authority to come clean. The idea people have that we are God, that we are
able to cross borders, open doors . . . . We don't have that authority. . .
. I am very proud that within the limited authority we have, we have been
able to understand the scope of the most sensitive part of the Iranian
program, which is the enrichment program, which is now under complete
agency inspection.

    The Iranian enrichment program is now under inspection?

    We know how much they produce in terms of enriched uranium.

    Highly enriched uranium?

    Low-enriched uranium. Iran was cooperating even more before. They cut
the cooperation . . . when they were taken to the Security Council in 2005.
That was a political decision. . . . I have said for the past six years
that the policy of building trust between the West (and the United States
in particular) and Iran has failed completely. We haven't moved one iota.

    Do you think it is possible?

    I think it is possible. I have been counseling privately and publicly
that this is not going to happen unless there is a direct dialogue.

    What do you mean, this is not going to happen?

    Trust-building. You're not going to have trust unless you have a direct
dialogue. President Obama is saying he's ready to have a direct dialogue
without preconditions, based on mutual respect. I say this is absolutely

    So you think President Obama is doing the right thing?

    I have no question about that. This was the missing part of the puzzle.
. . . Regional security issues, particularly in the Middle East, will not
move one iota until you sit around the table and discuss the grievances
that have accumulated over the last 56 years between Iran and the
international community - from 1953, when the CIA and MI6 removed Mohammed
Mossadegh, the first nationally elected government, to the hostage crisis
in 1979. This is the past, but the present is fundamentally a competition
of power in the Middle East between Iran, which has its own specific
ideology, and the United States and some of Iran's neighbors.

    So you think it's Iran versus the West?

    Well, it's a competition between Iran and the West. Iran wants to have
its role as a regional security power recognized. They feel they are the
most powerful state in the region right now, and that is true, to a large
extent. . . .

    They see that if you have the technology that can allow you to develop
a nuclear weapon in a short period of time, it gives you power, prestige
and security. So it's a security issue [relating to] how great a role Iran
will have as a regional power, the grievances the West has vis-‡-vis Iran
about alleged Iranian support for extremist groups, about its human rights
record. All these are legitimate issues, but these issues are not going to
be resolved by calling each other names across the ocean. When you call
Iran [part of] "an axis of evil," you do not expect them to say, "Well, we
will give up our nuclear program." Obviously, they look for their own
security, and they have seen that if you have nuclear weapons or at least
the technology, you are somehow protected from an attack. . . . Obama's
change of page is absolutely, in my view, the way to go. . . .

    The concern about Iran . . . is that if Iran were to develop [nuclear]
technology, they'd walk out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, they'd
develop highly enriched uranium and the weapon. These ifs are based on, "I
don't trust Iran's future intentions." . . . Why isn't the world worried
about Japan, which has the full cycle of technology? Because there is trust
that this country is not aiming to develop nuclear weapons.

    The Japanese government hasn't said that its aim is to destroy the
state of Israel.

    There have been a lot of offensive statements, frankly, on the part of
Iran, although from what I understand, Iran wants a one-state solution [to
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict] -- not, as reported in the media, that
Israel should be wiped off the map.

    And you know that one state means the end of Israel because there are
more Palestinians than Jews.

    I'm not taking sides on that. . . . We need to forget the past and say
we have a problem on our hands. The Middle East is being radicalized. Iran
is very popular in the Muslim world. You need to empower the moderates and
find a solution. Iran could be a very positive element in security in the
Middle East. The nuclear issue is the tip of the iceberg. The nuclear issue
masks a lot of security, political and economic issues. You have to have a
grand package. And that's what President Obama talked about.

    During the last eight years, Iran has increased the number of
centrifuges it possesses.

    There is no question about that. And that's also part of the failed
policy, because the failed policy was to try to find a solution before Iran
can master the nuclear-energy technology. On that count also, the policy
failed. But as I said, those who rushed to say that we were protecting Iran
- well, we have been reporting once every three months that Iran is not
providing the necessary full cooperation or the full transparency we want -
that Iran has a lot [to do] in terms of explaining. The Security Council
adopted three resolutions - where are they? Did it move us anywhere? Rather
than saying that the agency has protected Iran, have they looked at their
policy? We have done as much as we can technically and will continue to do
so, and [the Americans] need to revise their policy.

    Do you think there's a chance that dialogue will work?

    You have to try. It might not work, but I know the majority of the
Iranian people want to have a normal relationship with the U.S.,
particularly the young people. They want to be part of the international

    When Bush came to power, the U.S. stopped talking to North Korea. The
result was that they developed nuclear weapons. When you stopped talking to
the Iranians, they mastered the technology which the policy aimed to
prevent them from doing. . . . You need a different approach, and I'm happy
that President Obama immediately understood that. I hope that the Iranians
will understand that he is extending his hand to them and that they need
also to work with the agency to provide maximum transparency. . . . Those
in the previous administration, who say that the [IAEA] is protecting Iran,
have to look at their own failed policies.

    You were elected director with the support of the U.S., and later the
U.S. treated you quite badly.

    It was during my third reelection when former U.S. ambassador to the
U.N. John Bolton initiated a campaign to block my reelection. They did not
get one single country to stand against me, and in the end, I was elected
by consensus, with U.S. support. You can disagree with the head of the
international organization - we are not there to implement the policies of
one country. We are supposed to be independent, but we always have to be
impartial and objective. If an organization like IAEA is regarded as a
broker for one country, it will be killed.

    Is that what you thought the U.S. wanted you to do?

    They did not like that we said we haven't seen Iran developing nuclear
weapons in 2003.

    The IAEA said that?

    We did not see proof that Iran had a nuclear weapon . . . . In 2007,
the [U.S. intelligence community's] National Intelligence Estimate said
yes, Iran might have done some studies, but they stopped in 2003. We have
been vindicated in Iran, we have been vindicated in Iraq before. We are not
beating our chests and saying, "We were right, and they were wrong." They
need to understand that we have to continue to report on what we see.

    Experts have said you have been soft on Iran.

    If the Security Council were not able to move Iran, how do they expect
the agency to move Iran? We have used every possible tool, cajoling Iran,
pressuring Iran, doing inspections.

    They do say you've been quite tough on Iran since 2007.

    We've always been tough. We haven't changed.

    What they don't like is they say I speak outside of the box. I do my
job, but my job depends on their policies. In many cases privately and in
public, I have been telling them, "You need to support me with your policy,
and your policy is not working."

    People say you criticized Israel harshly for bombing the nuclear
reactor in Syria - that you weren't tough on Syria for building a nuclear

    I have been very harsh on Israel because they violated the rules of
international law on the use of unilateral force, and they did not provide
us with the information before the bombing, which we could then easily have
established whether Syria was building a nuclear reactor. To that extent,
the blame is also shared with the U.S., who sat on the information for a
year and six months after the bombing. Now we are doing our best to try to
see what Syria was doing, but it's like Iran. I cannot jump the gun and say
Syria was building a nuclear facility because what we are doing now is
trying to verify what was there.

    Of what accomplishment are you most proud?

    I am proud that the agency is now looked at as a credible instrument
for maintaining international peace and security and will continue to play
a more important role after my departure with the Obama policies of moving
into nuclear disarmament.

    You stood up and said there was no nuclear program either in Iraq or

    I think people are distrustful of politicians and are looking for
someone who is telling the truth with no hidden agenda . . . and that's
what we have been doing.

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