[DEHAI] Redefining Eritrean-isms in the Diaspora

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From: awetnayu@hotmail.com
Date: Fri Jan 01 2010 - 17:42:07 EST

Redefining Eritrean-isms in the Diaspora
Amanuel Biedemariam
I think the time is up-on-us to reemphasize who is and isn’t Eritrean. I say this in light of what we have witnessed over the last ten-plus years by some quarters who claim to be Eritreans but, in effect, they have done everything to undermine the very existence of the nation. They have conspired, danced on our martyrs’ graves and desecrated the day of our martyrs by disturbing the memorial processions done on their honor. They harassed and taunted Eritreans. They have tried to belittle, demean and discourage every institution, development efforts and achievements of the people of Eritrea. They have campaigned at the highest level using every PR tool at their disposal in an effort to demonize Eritrea. In simple terms, they have acted worse than our avowed enemies in the name of change, democracy, freedom of press and other freedom of this and that. The list of what they have done is simply too much to detail.
These are questionable characters with deviant objectives and motives. In fact they are natural enemies of each other with irreconcilable differences based on ethnicity, religious and “regional” outlooks. Over the last year alone, their interdivisions have reached such a pitch that is ridiculously amusing and a significant sign of their failures. However, they are united in one effort, to bash the nation, the leaderships and people of Eritrea.
What they do and write “may-be” within the confines of the law and, consistent to the freedoms and rights they are accorded in their respective countries of residence. But what they have done against the people and the nation of Eritrea is a crime and the highest form of betrayal. I also believe that they have gone way too-far to the abyss that they have reached the point of no return for any reconciliation to even consider for hinest reconciliation has not been a part of their diction. They are simply dismissive about the sensitivities and reservations of Eritreans on how they approach the issues of common concern. That is because their audience is and has been Weyane and their Western suitors. These lost-souls are Tsere/Hager/awyan without scruples; and not concerned about the people of Eritrea in and out of the nation. Their only aim is to exploit the name Eritrea and their connection to it in order to pursue their agenda and as proxies to the Weyane clique.
Here is the dilemma; as small communities everywhere, Eritreans know each-other-well and are connected in one form or another. We see each-other on many occasions and even if we don’t know each other we are familiar with one another. Nothing is a secret; for the most part we know who is doing what and where. We have a shared history and stories that bond us in many ways. We also know those who are not Eritreans by heritage but have been born or have spent all their lives in Eritrea and believe they are Eritreans; and they are.
As far as I am concerned, the key ingredient is the belief that you are Eritrean and your commitment to the nation. Of course, as a nation, there is a legal criterion that the government of Eritrea requires for citizenship; which is well enshrined in the ratified Eritrean Constitution. However, because it might sound “Politically incorrect”, we may not say that one is not Eritrean per se when one is in fact born Eritrean in spite of his/her acting against the interest of Eritrea. That is why we have words like “Sellouts” and traitors”, which aptly define the character of such nationals.
But in light of the recent sanction developments, I find that it is high time to revisit this subject because we must not allow any one to use the name and Eritrean heritage to exploit it. To prevent that from happening, we must make a clear definition of what constitutes to be an Eritrean and determine to isolate those who worked against the interests of Eritrea.
To help with this endeavor; to demarcate the lines and to sanction them; I have taken the initiative to outline an Idiots guide to who is NOT ERITREAN like the Jeff Foxworthy’s “You Might Be a Red Neck” story line and, here it is:
You are not Eritrean if:

If you have never voluntarily contributed to the wellbeing of the Eritrean people
If you have not participated on any of the national defense fund raising efforts either during our long independence struggle or during the reaffirmation of our sovereignty.
If you have been to Tigray for any conference over the last ten years
If you have been to Addis Ababa for any conference
If you have met Ethiopian officials for any purpose anywhere
If you have received funding from Ethiopian authorities for any purpose anywhere
If you have received funding from any foreign authorities for the purpose of destabilizing Eritrea in any shape or form
If you have participated in any terrorist activities against the Eritrean state or people
If you have condoned, assisted or in anyway facilitated to any foreign entity any terrorist activities against the State of Eritrea and its people
 If you believe and encourage on an ethnically divided Eritrea
If you believe and encourage on a regionally divided Eritrea
If you believe and encourage on a religiously or linguistically divided Eritrea
If you have petitioned or participated on such illicit political activities aimed against the stated interest of the State of Eritrea any where and at anytime
If you are an Eritrean by birth but believe you are an Ethiopian citizen
If you have not voluntarily and proudly participated in the April 1993 Eritrean Referendum for Independence.
If you have not freely and voluntarily requested and obtained an Eritrean ID card when eligible
If you do not believe on the sanctity of the official Eritrean flag
If you believe the Blue with green wreath UN-designed flag is Eritrean flag
If you believe on any other flag other than the official Eritrean national flag that stands tall at the UN building in New York!
These are some points to start the conversation and one can feel free to add to the list. The reason for the list is because it focuses on our responsibilities, security and treason related matters. We all know who these people are and we need to establish a blacklist and put them-in-it with detailed account of their mischief and put-it-out for all to see. We also need to urge the Government of Eritrea to take all the assets and interests these people may have in Eritrea. We need to be on the lookout when and if any of these people and their cooperatives tries to travel to our beloved Eritrea. Eritreans in the Diaspora have basically played dead with these people for so long that it is high time to return to vigilance and sanction them out of our society! We need to hold these people accountable. Because it is one thing to oppose a government or a system but what they have done is far-different from that. In this New Year, in the names of our martyrs, we must make a commitment to stand up and expose these vermin!
Awet N-Hafash

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