[DEHAI] Repeal the Illegal Sanction against Eritrea Today!

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From: Berhane Alazar (erigram@comcast.net)
Date: Sat Jan 02 2010 - 17:06:47 EST

Dear Dr. Rice,
In spite of the long hostility various US Administrations have displayed
against Eritrea, I do not have any reason to believe that you have an
axe to grind against the people of Eritrea or its government. Why would
I? More importantly why would you? But, I strongly believe your
unwarranted call of sanction and your helping implementing it was way
out of line which does not serve the worm relationship the Eritrean
people and its government always sought with the US or any country.
Dear Ambassador,
No matter how one may want to spin on it, the solid fact remains that
this just imposed UN sanction against Eritrea is uncalled-for,
ill-advised and based entirely on malicious and concocted stories with
no merit whatsoever! I don't think one has to be a rocket scientist to
decipher the evil designs of this unnecessary UNSC action whose
designers had some ulterior motives than what we have been told to
Unless this action was taken to appease the minority regime in Ethiopia
whose euphoria is sure to be short lived, most independent Horn region
observers believe this illegal UNSC action is going to exasperate the
already tense situation in the area. That being the forgone conclusion,
then I must wonder what was the purpose of the action taken against
Eritrea when it clearly will not serve the interest of the nations of
the area or even the perceived interest of the US? On the contrary, it
will add fuel to already scorched neighborhood.
Dear Dr. Rice,
You have already made a history for yourself and a bad decision at that.
As an Eritrean American with vested interests in my country of origin
and my adopted country, I strongly ask you to reconsider the action
taken against Eritrea for at the end of the day, we all wanted to be on
the right side of history. The US policy against Eritrea has been and is
on the wrong side of history. We like to see that changed ASAP and I am
asking you that you help lift this unethical sanction that you helped


Berhane Alazar


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