[DEHAI] (MarineCorpsTimes) Corps weighs merits of Africa task force

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From: Biniam Tekle (biniamt@dehai.org)
Date: Mon Jan 04 2010 - 09:32:31 EST

http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/2010/01/marines_africom_010310w/ Corps
weighs merits of Africa task force
 By James K. Sanborn - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Jan 4, 2010 6:10:29 EST

Talks are underway to add a special-purpose Marine air-ground task force to
U.S. Africa Command, a move that would center on expanding efforts to train
African militaries, officials say.

The plan is “purely in the conceptual phase,” said Master Sgt. Grady
Fontana, a spokesman for Marine Corps Forces Africa, headquartered in
Stuttgart, Germany. “… It’s just something that people are talking about as
a way that can help support Africa Command.”

MAGTFs are quick-reaction units that range in size. The smallest comprise
only a handful of troops, while the largest include thousands. Media reports
published in December suggest as many as 1,000 Marines could be stationed in
Europe as part of an AfriCom MAGTF, though neither the Marine Corps nor
AfriCom would confirm how large this task force could be.

And both entities were careful when speculating about future basing options,
saying only that prospective locations are being studied and that Europe,
with its established infrastructure and proximity to Africa, is a logical
contender. Locating a MAGTF on the African continent is not an option,
officials said, even though Marines already deploy to Camp Lemonier, a joint
expeditionary base in Djibouti, just north of Somalia.

“It’s phenomenally diplomatically sensitive when you start talking about
stationing troops in Africa,” said Vince Crawley, a spokesman for AfriCom.

Stationing a MAGTF in Europe may help sidestep political sensitivities among
African leaders already abuzz over the thought of Marines in their backyard.
Ongoing U.S. missions such as the deadly September raid that targeted an
al-Qaida operative in Somalia have done little to soothe those fears.
High-level negotiations

If a MAGTF is added to AfriCom, a great deal of political wrangling and
diplomacy would need to take place first, officials said. Such negotiations
likely would include U.S. politicians and members of the State Department.

“If the concept does go forward, it would be well-discussed with our
partners,” Crawley said. “U.S. Africa Command’s leadership and staff meet
regularly and frequently with the leadership of African nations and regional
organizations to discuss security matters, as well as to provide updates on
the evolution of Africa Command and U.S. military partnerships in Africa.”

The youngest of the Defense Department’s geographic commands, AfriCom was
established in October 2007 and has never had a permanent Marine Corps
element attached to it. Despite the diplomatic challenges that may lie
ahead, a MAGTF would help AfriCom’s efforts to train African militaries by
giving the fledgling command a dedicated group of troops to call upon when
needed, Fontana said.

“Having a [Marine] unit available … provides this command the ability to
improve engagements and be more responsive to other missions, such as
disaster relief and humanitarian assistance,” Fontana said.

Marines already conduct regular bi-national training with a number of
African nations, including Egypt, Kenya, Benin and Senegal. The size and
makeup of these training teams varies from mission to mission. Marines are
requested based on the skills needed to complete the task at hand, be it
air-support training or instruction on urban combat tactics.

Having Marines assigned to Africa for longer periods of time could give them
more time to conduct Africa-specific cultural training, making those
exercises more effective and resulting in stronger ties with partner
nations, Fontana said.

AfriCom was created when the Horn of Africa gained greater focus as the U.S.
increased efforts to disrupt suspected terrorist activities in countries
with unstable governments. A permanent Marine task force also could prove
valuable to counter-terrorism efforts throughout the region.

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