[DEHAI] An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

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From: Samson Negassi (samson_negassi@yahoo.co.uk)
Date: Tue Jan 05 2010 - 12:41:25 EST

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

The world population has become accustomed to the daily headline news of war, terrorism and destruction. Questions are not being asked as to why the bad news has become our daily deafening noise. Many are being recruited to orchestrate stories and wage wars between countries, groups and clans. The world seems to be \xe2\x80\x98ruled\xe2\x80\x99 by one \xe2\x80\x98superpower\xe2\x80\x99 that is invading countries, bending the rules and imposing sanctions on those nations that "refuse to obey". There is war in every corner of the world more than any time since the Second World War and many seem to grow hatred and animosity tow ards this so called \xe2\x80\x98superpower\xe2\x80\x99 nation and are looking to take vengeance on behalf of their people who are being unfairly treated.

Instead of looking for solutions some corrupt lobbyists and wanna be politicians who barely know their geography are deteriorating the situation. Human traffi ckers are taking advantage of vulnerable citizens who are looking to cross to the western countries for a "better life" by charging up to $12,000 per person. The third world and particularly many African counties have been buried in a deep hole and their resources are being emptied and people have become salves in their own countries that they cannot decide their future and have no say about their present. Its a vicious circle.

Eritrea has chosen the hard, but the right way and this is for a very good reason. Eritreans went through so much of hardship looking for everlasting freedom. Eritreans gave their life so that coming generations would not be trapped in the vicious circle. When Eritreans were fighting for their freedom, some of the servants so called \xe2\x80\x98lobbyists\xe2\x80\x99 and \xe2\x80\x98ambassadors\xe2\x80\x99 in the United Nations were perhaps enjoying hip-hop in some ghett o corners of USA. These servants had no brains to stand for the African Americans who were swept by tornado in New Orleans when the administration of George W Bush left them for dead, but they are front line warriors when it comes to bullying and intimidating the weak and poor nations in Africa. I can confidently s ay that, these \xe2\x80\x98House Negros\xe2\x80\x99 did not even know the existence of Eritrea until the last few years.

It is a blessing to come out of a solution oriented people and leadership. The realistic and cautious approach to the nation building process has made Eritrea the stable country in one of the most turbulent area of the world. Not bowing to the outside pressure has helped Eritrea prevail in the last ten years. Every prediction by the leadership has turned out to be the reality. And now the approach of cleaning up your neighbourhood will only be productive for the future. By not getting involved in the satanic conspiracy in Somalia, Eritrea has stood high with pride as every operation by the invaders is failing. Earlier on, Er itrea predicted that the invaders and their servants would only get stuck in quagmire and that is exactly what is happening now.

Looking for solutions would still have been the best option today. Eritrea would gladly forgive and move on taking the rest of Africa with her to the right di rection. As they say "Confidence is contagious, but so is lack of confidence." The confidence of Eritrea could only inspire others to follow suit. But if Ethi opia or Uganda represent Africa, then it\xe2\x80\x99s all downhill.

Fixing the badly bent and nearly broken situations in the world and particularly in the horn of Africa is the only option and that is by leaving Africans to s olve their own problems and helping them without any hidden agendas. This would only mend the broken hearts and would make the world a better place. But intim idation and bullying has been chosen as a solution and Eritrea is picked on only because the failures in the horn of Africa region were exposed and all their satanic work has failed.

If the past mistakes are going to be rectified then acknowledging them is the first step forward. Instead of admitting the lies about "weapons of mass destruc tion" in Iraq more lies are being told. Those leaders like George W Bush and Tony Blair who committed crimes against the world had gotten away without being t ried at the International Criminal Court in the Hague.

The ludicrous part of all is accusing Eritrea of providing arms to the Somali groups. Now as they say "fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me". T he US administration has provided and is providing tones of arms to Somali warlords and the servant Ethiopian soldiers to serve its purpose. These arms remain ed in Somalia and are in the hands of Somalis. A small and poor country like Eritrea has neither the capability nor the need to provide arms to others. Eritre a tried to help solve the situation in Somalia realistically by setting up a comprehensive dialogue between Somalis as it is the only way to the final solutio n. Sheik Sherif Ahmed the so called president of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia was one of the "blacklisted" Somalis by the US administr ation and was in Asmara attending the Somali congress until he was bribed to become a servant.

The question then, what has the involvement of outsiders in the Somali affairs achieved? The answer is, Somalia has become one of the most dangerous place on earth. This is a very dangerous occurrence in the horn of Africa and Eritrea has a big role to play in changing this grave situation for the better. The USA and Barak Obama\xe2\x80\x99s administration should look at Eritrea as the only solution in the horn and they should work in partnership with the Eritrean peopl e and leadership.

Sanctioning Eritrea would not solve anything except empowering Eritrea. During the 30 year freedom war, when Eritreans fought against the Ethiopian colonisers who were armed by the then Soviet Union, the mental strength was what they were equipped with. They knew their destination and they knew how to get there. Th ey never knelt down, but they faced their enemy with intelligence and to the dismay of those who dismissed them, they completely destroyed the biggest army Af rica has ever seen. They also helped the present minority leaders of Ethiopia to Addis Ababa. The vision was to create a peaceful and prosperous horn of Afric a region that can work together. The minority servants in Ethiopia were blinded by a few Dollars and turned on Eritrea and history repeated itself. Eritreans repelled the attack inflicting heavy losses on the minority Ethiopian junta.

Eritrea always chose peaceful solutions because eye for an eye will only make the world blind.

"Those who declared death on Eritrea have died and Eritrea is still there and those who are declaring death on Eritrea will die and Eritrea will always be the re." Yemane Gebreab.

God/ Allah Bless Eritrea.

Glory to the Eritrean Martyrs. Samson Negassi samson_negassi@yahoo.co.uk

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