[DEHAI] CIA Agents Assassinated in Afghanistan Worked for "Contractor" Active in Venezuela, Cuba (IB)

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From: Biniam Haile \(SWE\) (eritrea.lave@comhem.se)
Date: Tue Jan 05 2010 - 17:17:58 EST

January 05, 2010

CIA Agents Assassinated in Afghanistan Worked for “Contractor” Active in
Venezuela, Cuba

January 3rd 2010, by Eva Golinger
At least eight U.S. citizens were killed on a CIA operations base in
Afghanistan this past Wednesday, December 30. A suicide bomber
infiltrated Forward Operating Base Chapman located in the eastern
province of Khost, which was a CIA center of operations and
surveillance. Official sources in Washington have confirmed that the
eight dead were all civilian employees and CIA contractors.
Fifteen days ago, five U.S. citizens working for a U.S. government
contractor, Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI), were also killed in an
explosion at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
office in Gardez. That same day, another bomb exploded outside the DAI
offices in Kabul, although no serious injuries resulted.
The December 15 incident received little attention, although it occurred
just days after the detention of a DAI employee in Cuba, accused of
subversion and distribution of illegal materials to counterrevolutionary
groups. President and CEO of DAI, Jim Boomgard, issued a declaration on
December 14 regarding the detention of a subcontractor from his company
in Cuba, confirming that, “the detained individual was an employee of a
program subcontractor, which was implementing a competitively issued
subcontract to assist Cuban civil society organizations.” The statement
also emphasized the “new program” DAI is managing for the U.S.
government in Cuba, the “Cuba Democracy and Contingency Planning
Program”. DAI was awarded a $40 million USD contract in 2008 to help the
U.S. government “support the peaceful activities of a broad range of
nonviolent organizations through competitively awarded grants and
subcontracts” in Cuba.
On December 15, DAI published a press release mourning “project
personnel killed in Afghanistan”. “DAI is deeply saddened to report the
deaths of five staff associated with our projects in Afghanistan…On
December 15, five employees of DAI’s security subcontractor were killed
by an explosion in the Gardez office of the Local Governance and
Community Development (LGCD) Program, a USAID project implemented by
DAI also runs a program in Khost where the December 30 suicide bombing
occurred, although it has yet to be confirmed if the eight U.S. citizens
killed were working for the major U.S. government contractor. From the
operations base in Khost, the CIA remotely controls its selective
assassination program against alleged Al Qaeda members in Pakistan and
Afghanistan using drone (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) Predator planes.
A high-level USAID official confirmed two weeks ago that the CIA uses
USAID’s name to issue contracts and funding to third parties in order to
provide cover for clandestine operations. The official, a veteran of the
U.S. government agency, stated that the CIA issues such contracts
without USAID’s full knowledge.
Since June 2002, USAID has maintained an Office for Transition
Initiatives (OTI) in Venezuela, through which it has channeled more than
$50 million USD to groups and individuals opposed to President Hugo
Chávez. The same contractor active in Afghanistan and connected with the
CIA, Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), was awarded a multi-million
dollar budget from USAID in Venezuela to “assist civil society and the
transition to democracy”. More than two thousand documents partially
declassified from USAID regarding the agency’s activities in Venezuela
reveal the relationship between DAI and sectors of the Venezuelan
opposition that have actively been involved in coup d’etats, violent
demonstrations and other destabilization attempts against President
In Bolivia, USAID was expelled this year from two municipalities,
Chapare and El Alto, after being accused of interventionism. In
September 2009, President Evo Morales announced the termination of an
official agreement with USAID allowing its operations in Bolivia, based
on substantial evidence documenting the agency’s funding of violent
separtist groups seeking to destabilize the country.
In 2005, USAID was also expelled from Eritrea and accused of being a
“neo-colonialist” agency. Ethiopia, Russia and Belarus have ordered the
expulsion of USAID and its contractors during the last five years.
Development Alternatives, Inc. is one of the largest U.S. government
contractors in the world. The company, with headquarters in Bethesda,
MD, presently has a $50 million contract with USAID for operations in
Afghanistan. In Latin America, DAI has operations and field offices in
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti,
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.
This year, USAID/DAI’s budget in Venezuela nears $15 million USD and its
programs are oriented towards strengthening opposition parties,
candidates and campaigns for the 2010 legislative elections. Just two
weeks ago, President Chávez also denounced the illegal presence of U.S.
drone planes in Venezuelan airspace.
Source:Postcards from the Revolution

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