[DEHAI] Sanctions they said, huh? Tell them you're an Eritrean!

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From: Araia G. Ephrem (agephrem@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Jan 08 2010 - 04:44:06 EST

"Sanctions" they said, huh? Did they really say sanctions on our blessed Eritrea again?!

They kept saying that since the 1950s, This time around stop, and tell them that you're the transcendent Son/Daughter of Eritrean by soul, ethics, spirit and beauty! Perhaps they never heard of the State of Eritrea and its noble people yet? Maybe. Well time for all of us to remind them once more to stop such hastiness.

If you're not annoyed yet, then something Eritrean is missing in you.

Don't waiver, because you will see few unbuckle their belts in broad daylight. It's harvest season again, you know. A time where Eritrea sieves a grain from chaff. You remember the last 10 years, don't you? We witnessed all those who remained naked forever. But, you're not one of the despicable. No, you aren't! You're the courageous one who rises to the occasion and stops all odds.

Visit the links below, and join us to shine our true Eritrean colors.

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God/Allah Bless Eritrea!
Eternal Glory to Our Martyrs!

Araia G. Ephrem

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