[DEHAI] (AFP): Colombia, new stage in the journey of African immigrants to the United States

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From: Berhane Habtemariam (Berhane.Habtemariam@gmx.de)
Date: Fri Jan 08 2010 - 12:39:09 EST

Colombia, new stage in the journey of African immigrants to the United

By Cesar Sabogal (AFP)

Jan 8th, 2010

BOGOTA - More than 500 immigrants, mostly Africans, were intercepted in 2009
in Colombia, from where they hoped to reach the United States, after a long
trip facilitated by the innovative partnership between trafficking networks
and drug traffickers.

The most recent case occurred ten days ago, when 70 African immigrants were
rescued by the Navy in Caribbean waters. Taken to the city of Sincelejo, on
the north coast, claimed refugee status.

"In Africa we do not return. There are many problems with politics and
religion. Our dream is to America," said Samy Kol local media, the only
group from Somalia and Eritrea who speak Spanish.

"We paid a high price for our dream, we risk our lives and not rest until we
fulfill it," he added.

The authorities are alert to the possibility of Colombia is entrenched as a
step in the smuggling routes into the United States.

"Illegal immigrants are victims and deserve all the attention, respect and
assistance from the Colombian authorities. But behind it lies a very
elaborate network that seeks to create links with local drug lords for new
routes," he told AFP Felipe Munoz, director of Administrative Security

According to this official, in charge of immigration enforcement and
intelligence work, "traffic networks of people prefer to Colombia for its
privileged geostrategic position.

"Colombia has two oceans (Atlantic and Pacific) and from both these networks
try to reach ports to introduce migrants to Central America," he said.

"They also establish contacts and let people in the country to liaise with
the drug barons who seek to close business," he said.

Sick and penniless, narrated African immigrants who paid $ 5,000 each for
traveling to U.S. territory.

While the Colombian Foreign Ministry decides whether to grant them refugee
status, Africans spend their days playing soccer or reading the Bible.
Several have told delegates from the Office of UN High Commissioner for
Refugees wishing to work in Colombia.

To cope with the situation, the DAS set up mobile patrols at various points
along its border with Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador and Brazil. It has been
determined that many immigrants come to Buenaventura, the main port on the
Pacific, from Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru to try to move from there to

Of the 500 African and Asian immigrants whose entry into Colombia was
detected in 2009, most are originally from Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Benin,
Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast and Liberia, according to Colombian Foreign Minister.

"It remains ironic that these people come to seek refuge in Colombia, one of
the countries with the highest rate of displacement and asylum in other
countries," he told AFP, Jorge Rojas, director of the NGO Consultancy for
Human Rights Human Rights and Displacement (CODHES).

A month ago, the Colombian olice captured four members of a trafficking
network led by the Ethiopian Johen Elnefue Negussie refuge in Colombia since
2007. This network had branches in the Colombian cities of Pasto (south),
and Cartagena and San Andres (north).

In 2009, Colombian authorities deported 385 citizens of Asian and African as
well as drive to 41 foreigners, according to official figures.







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