[DEHAI] This Era ?

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From: Assefaw, Yonatan (yassefaw@tcfbank.com)
Date: Tue Jan 12 2010 - 12:54:03 EST

Dear Te-dehai-ti,
The Eritrean history will judge us not the words of our enemies.
As you can see our Era is becoming very challenging.
In this era we will hear and see many things around
the world. Human values will be less important as
long the moral value less significantly. we will hear
and read many things what this Era will bring more.
    While countries and continents get dissolving and
degrading the human value, Eritrean will be stronger
and united. Just for the simple fact that one can not
ignore or close the ear or eye while other are suffering
and dying.
    As long we see with one eye and listen with one ear,
there is going to be consequence. It will be even bad
consequences if we close both eyes and ear. One can not
be just quite or do nothing while, he/she sees what is
going on around us. One famous quote of Haile Selassie after
Ethiopia was invaded by Italian, he said "Today it is me
and tomorrow will be you" told to the British.
It is less important the condition we are in now on this Era,
but is more significant how our attitude is about this Era. Time will tell us
how the spirit/attitude are today and what is happing are the result of it.
The attitude/spirit will not stay the same. This will
pass like other big and small events. What we should care
and give more attention is that how are our own hopes and
dreams are today and tomorrow. Are we hopeful people and nation ? What are
we doing ? What are thinking ?
Are we seen new challenges and what are we doing about it ?
As for Eritrean is crystal clear. What our value and strength are and we
know them by our instinct. Our character are what will define us who we are
what we will achieve in life, NOT what other say about us.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

God Bless Eritrean and Eritrea
Yonatan Solomon


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