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From: Araia G. Ephrem (agephrem@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Jan 12 2010 - 23:15:32 EST

Selam All,
Upon many sacrifices and untold historical sabotages, the State of Eritrea is today an independent and sovereign nation; where currently it’s focused on development and self-reliance. However; the United Nations Security Council; once more as it did repeatedly is sabotaging Eritrea by putting illegal & unjust sanctions based on alleged lies and unwarranted hate.

Their aim is to thwart Eritrea from a course of prosperity. However, the people of Eritrea will rise once more to denounce the sanction, and defend Eritrea. All Eritreans are called upon for “A People’s Defense” against malicious illegal and unjust sanction.

Place:     Summit Hospital Hall
              400 Hawthorne Avenue
              Oakland CA 94609

Date:       January 17, 2010 @ 2:00PM

You are cordially called upon the defense of a peaceful and law abiding Eritrea!

Also join us in www.facebook.com and www.twitter.com. Facebook has a rooms where more than 5,000 Eritreans and friends of Eritrea have created effective communication media. JOIN US TODAY.

Hizbawi Mekete Committee
Oakland, California

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