[DEHAI] Eritrea’ Economic Potential said to be Bright

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From: Organization of Eritrean Americans (oea@eritreanamerican.org)
Date: Sun Jan 17 2010 - 21:55:05 EST

Organization of Eritrean Americans
For Immediate Release
January 16, 2010

Eritrea's Economic Potential said to be Bright

Eritrea's development in agriculture, mining, tourism, port services (what
were called the hardware of development), and education (human resource
development) can position it in a bright economic future.

This was the conclusion of Professor Kiflai Gebremedhin of Cornell
University who spoke at an OEA sponsored presentation at the Eritrean
Community and Civic Center in Washington, D.C. on Friday, January 15,
2010. Dr. Kiflai, in his presentation on "My trip to Eritrea:
Observations and Impressions," showed the standing-room capacity audience
how Eritrea can move towards food security using only the water that can
be harvested at the two Fankos (Fanko-tsimue and Fanko-rawi) and Gerset.
With certain clearly stated assumptions, he calculated that Eritrea can
harvest enough food that can feed its population.

In his two-hour presentation, Dr. Kiflai shared slides of what he observed
in water harvesting, by way of building major and minor dams, river
diversion schemes and terracing. He spoke how the sprinkler irrigation
system he witnessed at the Gerset irrigation project is the state of the
art. The goal of the irrigation projects underway in Eritrea is to produce
three times a year and this is helping Eritreans from all ethnic groups
and repatriated nationals to participate in food production with some help
from the government. This modern way of farming is a good substitute to
the antiquated subsistence farming using the power of camels and oxen.

He also explained, using data from his observation and the publications of
the mining companies, how the potential of Eritrea's mining industry in
gold, silver, copper, zinc and other metals from Bisha, Zara, and the
Asmara belt is bright. He reminded his audience that there are
well-studied safe guards to social and environmental impacts that could
come with mining.

Dr. Kiflai further pointed that Eritrea's tourism industry is well-suited
to be competitive because what Eritrea can offer tourists is great; in
Eritrea, Dr. Kiflai noted, tourists can enjoy personal safety, clean
beaches, unpolluted air, a mosaic of a welcoming population, a spectacular
variety of birds and marine life, including Eritrea's coral reef that is
predicted to be the "global marine future" in light of the anticipated
global warming.

Looking beyond Ethiopia, stated Dr. Kiflai, Eritrea's port facilities
including: Massawa's deep water port, Assab's strategic location at the
gateway to the Indian Ocean, are ideal for refueling, servicing, and rest
area for big as well as small ships and this will greatly add to Eritrea’s
economic potential.

Dr. Kiflai's final discussion on Eritrea's economic potential was on what
he called is the software that will drive the above mentioned economic
hardware of Eritrea: this is education or human resource development.
Eritrea’s good start with the expansion of higher education and its vision
is positioned to provide the necessary human resources for Eritrea's
economic development. He particularly noted that the spread of educational
institutions all over Eritrea is important because among many other things
this can enhance local employment in addition to encouraging local

Dr. Kiflai who started his presentation on how the solar-powered pump he
witnessed at Diga Durko is a good example of harnessing alternative
energy, concluded his presentation on how what he observed in rural
electrification, provision of clean water, and rural waste disposal was
inspiring and heartening. He told his audience how he remembers walking
two kilometers each night to the nearest town in order to study under a
street light. By contrast today he was delighted that Eritrean villagers
are getting access to electricity.

Eritrean Sanctions Must be Annulled and Repealed Today!
Organization of Eritrean Americans

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