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From: Berhane Tseggai (berhanetseggai@yahoo.ca)
Date: Tue Jan 19 2010 - 10:17:00 EST

Selam Seb Dehai:

Last year when the Obama administration came to power amidst dire economic and political crisis in the US,the promise for change had caught the hearts and minds of millions. Yet, there were also voices that cautiously received those exuberant promises for change with measured hope.

The Secretary of state Hillary Clinton, in a speech made to a Congressional hearing made a succinct statement of hope and admission of guilt: The US leadership has been wanting,but is wanted. This open letter besides pointing why the American leadership has been wanting in regards to Eritrea since the 1998 Woyane aggression, reiterates the strong message by the PIA hinting of what to expect in response to the open hostilities by the United States which has also been increasingly hostage to certain interst groups.

Awet nHafash!

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