[DEHAI] Education and Poorness

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From: Assefaw, Yonatan (yassefaw@tcfbank.com)
Date: Mon Jan 25 2010 - 14:12:52 EST

Poorness and Education
There is a saying in Eritrea that goes. Those who
do not want to be educated for seven year will
remain ignorant next seventy years.
Eritrea is investing a lot in Education because we
value education a lot.
All Eritrean children who live abroad need to read
and write the geez alphabets and queran letters.
Remember, through our alphabets lies our power to
communicate and share information.
It will be easier to transfer information through
our mother tongue than it is in English in order
to influence our people.
I used to ask my self when I was young why some
people are poor and some rich (people/countries)
As I became aware how education can have big impact
on people lives and countries. it is quite clear.
Educated society become aware of their enviroment
where they live in. The society start to think how
they can help himself to better themselves.
As our father Weldeab Weldemariam would say,your
family is a small house and we have a bigger house
which is our country and people. We need to focus
on how we can help our people and country.
We need to organize ourselves better. If most of us
share and help one another to better ourselves, we
can accomplish a lot. Let alone to our country and
people we can contribute to the world as well.
let me make it clear :
Our artist (musician) are our great asset who can
lead us and motivates better because music can
influence us through our emotion rather than through
our intellect. Whenever one can effect ones emotion
by some kind of communication, one has better chance
to influence the other.
We have a great history and great heroes and we are
brother and sister and Son and dauther of great heroes
of Eritrea that we can do,not only what is possible
but also what might seem impossible.
God Bless Eritrea
The power of man kind lies between those who do not know and those who knows
the origination of all alphabets and numbers and those who use them.
Thank you
Yonatan Solomon

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