[DEHAI] Britain's duty to Kenya

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From: wolda002@umn.edu
Date: Tue Jan 26 2010 - 23:17:02 EST

Britain's duty to Kenya

A case brought by former Mau Mau fighters suggests Britain is shirking its
human rights responsibilities in Kenya

Mau Mau prisoners

Mau Mau prisoners of the British were held in terrible conditions,
according to recent studies. Photograph: Terrence Spencer/Time & Life
Pictures/Getty Image

A case involving Kenyans claiming that they suffered atrocities at the
hands of the British colonial authorities is arousing interest among human
rights campaigners in Kenya. Most Kenyans are eager to see the outcome of
the case, because the treatment of Mau Mau fighters after Kenya became
independent is a sensitive subject.

The British authorities are said to be using an "obscure" legal principle
to throw out the case, arguing that the Kenyan government is now
responsible for what took place when Kenya was a British colony. Many books
have been written about how some Mau Mau fighters, and anyone suspected of
being sympathetic to what the British then regarded as a "terror group",
were moved into detention camps between 1952 and 1960. Some victims still
have scars to show for what they say were beatings inflicted on them by the

Worse, when they were released after the emergency, most found themselves
homeless and destitute. One of the most serious charges that the
post-colonial government faced in the late 1960s and 1970s was that it
neglected the freedom fighters so much that even after independence, most
of them were consigned to poverty.

The fighters expected that the government would at least give them some
land. Instead, they claimed, the government sidelined them and rewarded
those who were not anywhere near the freedom struggle. Thus, most remained
poor and bitter. It is no wonder then that the only way out of this was
through the court case in Britain, which, so far is not showing signs of
going their way. Human rights groups here feel that even with the law of
succession that the British are citing, the government's decision is

The human rights lawyer Paul Muite, who is also a former member of
parliament, describes the decision as "shameless and immoral". "These were
terrible atrocities committed by British soldiers, not by the government of
Kenya," he said. "These people were fighting for justice, liberty and their

The British government's decision is hypocritical especially because the
British have been some of the most vocal when it comes to attacking other
country's, and especially Kenya's, human rights record. But when it comes
to righting their own record, they are apparently shirking responsibility.
The Kenyan government has also not escaped blame. The government has been
deafeningly silent, leaving NGOs and other well-wishers to pursue the case
and raising questions as to whether it's offering any support to the
litigants. Yet, as Muite notes, it is those who are in power today who were
the greatest beneficiaries of the liberty that those now in court were
fighting for. The silence of key government officials seems to perpetuate
the feeling of isolation that these fighters have had all along.

A favourable outcome to this case might serve as a vindication of sorts but
it will also summon up many similar complaints. And it will, no doubt,
create a precedent which would make it possible for other people in former
British colonies to bring similar cases. A couple of years ago, a group of
women in the Rift Valley area of Samburu took British soldiers to court
claiming that they had raped them and fathered children. The success of the
case saw many other women come forward with similar claims. Will this one
have the same effect? Perhaps only if it succeeds. If it does not, it will
only multiply the woes of the Mau Mau fighters and deepen the alienation
the victims of British soldiers feel.

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