[DEHAI] Why the UN Sanctions agains Eritrea is Illegal?

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From: Haile Abraham (haileab99@msn.com)
Date: Wed Jan 27 2010 - 15:12:17 EST

Hello All,


Unless one is from a nearby planet called Naive or from a far away distant and cold planet called AnSar (self-proclaimed "Opposition"), there is no doubt that the recently imposed sanction against Eritrea by the UN Security Council, is both illegal and unjust. It is to be recalled that the UN Security Council had based its sanction on some alleged accusation by the UN Monitoring Group in Somalia that Eritrea was arming the Somali insurgents and some fabricated boarder dispute with Djibouti.


But on Sunday, January 24, 2010, The Daily Monitor of Kenya in a title "US-Uganda arms aiding Al-Shabaab, says NGO" reported that "A new report by Amnesty International has suggested that unregulated arms supplies to the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia may be finding their way into the hands of its opponents including the militant Islamist fighters- Al Shabaab." So if one is to recall that in August 2009, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly pledged military support to supply the TFG some 40 tons of military weaponry and equipment, it is not naive to conclude the US is actually supplying the very same group that it previously labeled as "terrorists" and NOT Eritrea.


Shhhht, this has to be covered up quickly. Suzan Rice can not be exposed and her diplomatic career, already blemished by her handling of Sudan, can not go down the drain like this! After all, she is a co-recipient of the White House’s 2000 Samuel Nelson Drew Memorial Award for distinguished contributions to the formation of peaceful, cooperative relationships between states and also awarded the Chatham House-British International Studies Association Prize for the most distinguished doctoral dissertation in the UK in the field of International Relations.


So what's her exit strategy? Eritrea!!!! "Yes, let's blame Eritrea, and I will run naked in the West Wing of the White House to get this sanction passed." Meles then jumped in, "I can add Djibouti to beef up you running around Madame. All I have to do is give Guelleh a barrel of Kitfo and a piece of the Oromo land."


And so goes the ILLEGAL and UNJUST sanction against Eritrea!!!


Haile A.

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