[DEHAI] Re: [dehai-news] Public Notice from Eritrean Community Center, San Jose, CA, against Anti Eritrean Unity elements

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From: Berhane Alazar (erigram@comcast.net)
Date: Sat Jan 30 2010 - 15:05:29 EST

Thanks Amanuel for the info.

Dear deqi hager,

It is important that we hear loud and clear what the intent of the
reported "Meeting" is all about. Anything that has a Weyane finger
prints can not be for the well being of Eritrea and Eritreans. That is
for sure. At a time when a concerted effort is being launched by various
quarters aimed at weakening Eritrea, it is of paramount importance that
we remain steadfast, alert and vigilant to expose any and all those
conspiracies hatched against our country. Remember since they have
failed miserably in the many evil designs they attempted against the
noble political stance of our country, they will try and keep on trying
to approach many of you pretending to be "More Catholic than the Pope"!
I know, sometimes, many of you might go to their meetings out of
curiosity. That is fine if the agenda is not cast in black and white as
being anti national interest. But, this one is clearly a no starter from
the get go; and I wouldn't waste any of your precious times with such
pretenders and losers and that is what they are.

Just a reminder, please don't forget to attend the many "hizbawi
mekhete's" going on with national vigor and feverish zeal in a locality
near you. The Public uproar against the illegal sanction will manifest
itself on Monday, February 22nd, 2010 in a zonal center of your

Eritrean independence and its national sovereignty are here to stay.

Berhane Alazar

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