RE: [DEHAI] Hizbawi MeKete is a Historic Symbol of Nationalism

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From: Haile Abraham (
Date: Wed Feb 03 2010 - 13:35:13 EST

Hello Zeyhilel,
The question whether the GoE or the Embassies in the Diaspora have or have not done enough to avert the sanction is a matter of opinion, but also a moot point at this time because the Mekete fever is on its second gear. But for those who want to play a Monday morning quarterback, as you have correctly stated it, nothing would have swayed the veto-wielding countries such as China or Russia. So therefore, IMHO, being there at the UN compound during the vote just for the sake of satisfaction would be a similar scenario to a bunch of cows standing in front of a slaughter house with picket signs saying "Say no to beef!" just for the sake of satisfaction.
I can't speak for the GoE and, of course, not for the Embassies in the Diaspora either. But what I believe caught most of us Eritreans off guard is the audacity and the temerity of this so-called UN Security Council. I don't think any Eritrean had any idea that this organization, which is supposed to maintain peace, protect justice and prevent crisis around the world by enforcing the rules of law, would stoop to such a subservient role as to be manipulated in such a reckless and lawless act by individuals.
So the anger and the frustration that is being vented by ALL Eritreans around the world right now is not because we are afraid that this sanction is like a death sentence or it is going to be the end of Eritrea. No, it is not, because no Eritrean would doubt the resilience and the self-reliance signature of our people. But yes, Eritreans are angry!
Eritreans are angry because JUSTICE has been rapped in a broad daylight on busy street and we refuse to let the perpetrator get away with a crime. Eritreans are angry because, like Dr. Ghidewon said it with his eloquent example, the innocent has been framed as a criminal while the real criminal got away. Eritreans are angry because the very institution that was supposed to secure peace and protect the weak has become a manifested tool of insecurity and instability by attacking the weak.
So the upcoming demonstrations around the world is not about Eritrea but it is about injustice and the vioations of the basic human principles; and a demand for these riths to be restored. In this regard ALL those who claim to stand for JUSTICE and RULE of LAWS, regardless of their color, race and ethnic background, must be invited to join hands with Eritreans today otherwis Eritera today will be another innocent party tomorrow!!!
Haile A.

Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 07:09:39 -0500
Subject: Re: [DEHAI] Hizbawi MeKete is a Historic Symbol of Nationalism

Selam Dehaiers,
But, one could argue saying that the Eritrean Ambassador to the
United Nations should have strongly advised (may be he did) the
Eritrean government to mobilize such a Hizbawi Mekete when he
sensed that the call for sanctions would pass in the UNSC. Not
that a Hizbawi Mekete held before 12/23/09 would have swayed
the voting mood of countries like China or Russia to block the
motion, but at least the concerned Eritreans would have had the
satisfaction of being there for their country when their voices needed
to be heard.
Of course, I am playing the devil's advocate here. Otherwise, I very
well know what the agenda of the United States and the Zionists is
in the Horn of Africa -- whether Eritrea is led by Isayas or Bezebdyos
or Ibrahamid or GebreTsadiq.
“Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's
opinion is the best proof of stupidity.”...
.............. Michel de Montaigne


Selam All,
It is no secret that Eritrean communities around the world are currently rallying together to oppose the recent UN resolution, which was imposed on Eritrea on December 23, 2009. Here in America, Eritreans from small towns in North Carolina to big cities in Washington, D.C, are gathering under the banner of “Hizbawi MeKete” in a display of unity, solidarity and National Defense.

I was lucky enough to attend the Hizbawi Mekete session in the Washington, D.C area this past Sunday. And I am sure that, despite the huge crowd at the DC Mekete, the enthusiasm and the solidarity, as well as the determination to defend the Mother Land displayed there, is no different than those being displayed in more than one hundred town hall Meketes around the world. And if I am allowed to use the DC Mekete as my vantage point, it will be clear that each and every one of these Hizbawi Mekets are part of our historic symbol of nationalism that have been rooted in our many generations.
In the DC Mekete, Freweini Tekeste alluded to the above fact and saluted the large crowd for standing up for our nation when it is under attack. Further more, she called on those Eritrean who don’t feel the pain when our nation is attacked, and on those who cozy up with the enemy while others are defending the nation, by saying that this Mekete “IS NOT YOUR STAGE!” And for those who doubt that Eritrea did not do enough to avert this ILLEGAL and UNJUST reaction, Ambassador Ghirmay Ghebreamriam explained that Eritrea’s tireless effort to create amicalbe and bilateral relations with the US and other Western Nations were systematically and intentionally ignored.
This brings us to one of the best speakers during the DC Mekete, as well as other Meketes around the world, Dr. Ghidewon Abbay Asmerom, who brilliantly explained the “Framing” scenario in which one can incriminate an innocent person through the use of false evidence or information.
For his example, Dr. Ghidwon used an example that occurred in December 1982, when an all-white jury in Hanover, Virginia, convicted Marvin Lamont Anderson, an eighteen-year-old African American, of kidnapping and raping a twenty-four-year-old white woman five months earlier. In this case, certain racist quarters with access to the criminal justice system, managed to frame an innocent individual as the criminal who committed the crime despite the huge amount of evidence that suggested his innocent. The poor guy, whose only crime was being the only black man in the area known to have a white girlfriend, was locked up for 15 years before the real criminal could be found through some DNA testing.
Dr. Ghidewon brought this analogy to the public to draw a parallel between what happened to Mr. Anderson and what is happening to Eritrea unfairly and without any justification. Both are innocent and both have been framed by some evil scheme and both have been accused of crimes that they haven’t even a part of. And in Eritrea’s case, not only the so-called “arms supplied to the Somali insurgents” is a fabricate lie, but it has even embarrassed the UNSC to even mention it in its sanctions script. And to use Djibouti’s boarder conflict as the other accusation without even addressing the Ethio-Eritrean boarder dispute has exposed the UNSC what it actually is, a tool for the evil scheme.
In the final analysis, truth has prevailed over false allegations and justice has prevailed over injustice and Mr. Anderson was exonerated though an irrefutable evidence of the DNA. Likewise, Eritrea will also prevail over this ILLEGAL and UNJUST sanctions by its irrefutable support and determination of its people in their DNA, and one day history will judge the crooks who framed the innocent.
That is the MeKete and it is indeed a Hizbawi MeKete.
Awet NeHafash,
Haile A.
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