[DEHAI] Fw: Some poems for Hiwnet.com or else.

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From: jonathan haile (jona_hiwinnet12@yahoo.co.uk)
Date: Thu Feb 04 2010 - 09:32:23 EST

I hope the Poems find you all well..please use as required for the content is timely and creative!!! ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Robel Yohannes <eritrea240591@yahoo.com> To: jona_hiwinnet12@yahoo.co.uk Sent: Wed, 3 February, 2010 16:27:16 Subject: Some poems for Hiwnet.com or else. Dear Bitsai Jonnatan, Kindly find the attached poems for website or if you think they are also good for other visitors or readers, that is up to you..... Many thanks indeed! Peace & Victory to Eritrea!!!!!

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