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Date: Sat Feb 06 2010 - 13:35:28 EST

Selam Aite Zunub,
As a citizen of Itopia, you must be well-schooled to be able to spell
correctly the name of a far away country like Afghanistan. However, it appears
your brain becomes "ingolfato" [read "filled with hate and envy" ] when
spelling the names of countries that are close to your home country, Itopia.
Oh, did I err? Oh, yes, you apparently did very well with Djibouti. Very
good. I can say then you are free from near-country-name-spelling-disability
affliction. Your ailment must then what some pathologists refer as
ignorance-cum-false-little-education syndrome.
Whatever, Aite Zunub, rest assured, ERITREA will yet again soundly defeat
its enemies -- as it did before.
“Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's
opinion is the best proof of stupidity.”...
.............. Michel de Montaigne

In a message dated 2/5/2010 8:35:19 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I’m an Ethiopian citizen from Gondar region living abroad and I would like
to assure my support to fellow Ereterian friends and the people of
Ereteria as well to the dynamic government of Ereteria. Ethiopians are now
opposing the so called shameful UN resolution 1907. This shameful
resolution is the reflection of the UN failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
 Palestine, and many other countries. The story behind the so called UN
security club for this shameful resolution is Ato Melese . This man is
destroying Ethiopia and its people and dragging Kenya – Uganda – Djibouti
into endless problems. Melese is currently living in the pockets of some US
members of CIA and he knows very well he will not live so long. So Ereterean
friends let us join our hands and do our home works for the better of our
horn of Africa. If Africa had a dynamic leaders like those of Ereteria, I’m
sure things could be different. What I would like to see in the horn is
all Ethiopian brethren at home and abroad to join their hands and work hard
to build our country like our Ereterian bothers . Africa needs dynamic
leaders like Ereterians.

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