[DEHAI] MeriH Issue II, the Official YPFDJ Newsletter

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From: merih@youngpfdj.com
Date: Sun Feb 07 2010 - 19:09:34 EST

MerHaba MeriH readers:

As many of you already know, YPFDJ has reestablished the historical MeriH
newsletter. It has been created to provide a medium for youth in the
Diaspora and in Eritrea to share ideas and experiences. The newsletter
aims to grow and develop along with the growth of the YPFDJ movement. Our
MeriH team is appreciative of all the support and feedback it has received
thus far, and hope you will please continue to share your ideas and
support by sending your thoughts to merih@youngpfdj.com.

CLICK HERE to read Merih newsletter MeriH:

- Merih Team

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