[DEHAI] Susan Rice's sabotage the elections and the referendum which Sudan wants to carry out.

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From: wolda002@umn.edu
Date: Tue Feb 09 2010 - 23:29:18 EST

Rice-ists Strike Again in Africa

Feb. 4, 2009 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche said today that the "Rice-ists
strike again in Africa," in response to the nakedly political move by the
British imperial order, operating through their private "court," the ICC,
to destabilize Sudan prior to the April election and the national
referendum on unity next year. He was referring to the British imperial
outlook represented by Susan Rice, the anglophile U.S. ambassador to the UN
for the Obama Administration. She is a long-time pro-British operative who
has concentrated on destroying sovereign nation states in Africa, and has a
long history of wanting to destroy the nation of Sudan, in particular.
Kamal Obeid, Sudan State Minister for Information, said today: "If you look
to the time of this process, it shows that the ICC wants to stop the
political development in Sudan."

Chief Prosecutor for the British imperial ICC, Luis Moreno Ocampo, appealed
the ICC decision made last March not to include genocide in the charges
against Sudan President al-Bashir. The so-called ICC appeals chamber
announced yesterday that it has asked its pretrial judge to "issue a new
decision using the correct standard of proof," implying that its previous
determination was inaccurate. The announcement was made while President
al-Bashir was in Doha, Qatar, site of the Darfur peace talks, to discuss
the talks.

The latest ICC move against Sudan was timed just a few months before the
April elections: The ICC has said it will make a new ruling in a few weeks.
Moreno Ocampo is already crowing that he expects genocide to be added to
the warrant against Bashir: "I think I will win." This thoroughly exposes
the ICC as a fake court, acting as part of a destabilization operation to
prevent the emergence of a sovereign unified Sudan. If successful, this
attempt to destroy Sudan will plunge the entire Horn of Africa to
Somali-like conditions. The anti-government Darfur rebel group, the Justice
and Equality Movement, whose entire leadership reportedly resides in
London, except for its leader Khalil Ibrahim, is ecstatic about the ICC
decision to reconsider the genocide charge. This will make it impossible
for Sudan to reach a settlement in Darfur before the elections, as it had

The political nature of the move against Sudan is so transparently obvious
that the liberal fabian Guardian said today that the ICC decision plays
into the hands of authorities who have declared that the ruling was made in
order to "stop the efforts of the Sudanese government toward elections and
a peaceful exchange of power." An anti-ICC blog in Britain today asked: Why
will the ICC go after Bashir, and not Tony Blair?

Susan Rice's anti-Sudan activism took a hit Jan. 29 when the Sudan
ambassador to the UN dismissed as "irresponsible" her allegations earlier
that week that the Sudan government was sending arms to militants in the
South who were opposed to the southern government. Ambassador Abdalmahmoud
Abdalhaleen "categorically denied" Rice's allegations, saying that she has
"failed to move from an [anti-Sudan] activist position to that of a worthy
representative of a superpower." Rebels and militias in Sudan are being
armed from other countries, according to reports, which will create a
volatile situation which could sabotage the elections and the referendum
which Sudan wants to carry out.


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