[DEHAI] Eritrean Protest Against UN Resolution is a Matter of Africa's Horn

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From: Haile Abraham (haileab99@msn.com)
Date: Thu Feb 18 2010 - 13:29:38 EST

Hello All,
Two days after the United Nations Security Council imposed its disgraceful sanction and while the whole world still stunned by this audacious criminal act against Eritrea, a certain character by the name of “Michael Abraha” and his junk yard puppies, have rushed to post an article on the American Chronicle in which they lamented that the UN sanction was the “best Christmas gift” for the Eritrean people. The article was written on December, 25, 2009 under a title of “Eritreans react to UN Sanctions against their country.”
The intention here is not certainly to give this guy any sort of attention as he has already managed very well to make himself look and smell so bad with all that crap all over his article, but rather to expose him and his master-wolves in sheep skins, who may dream about infiltrating our passion and love for our best gift from our martyrs, Eritrea. By the way, It is not that difficult to spot these wolves as one can right away see their big teeth when they gloat at Eritrea’s “bad” news and drool at Eritrea’s “weak” times.
One must be cognizant then that these wolves may come in different shapes, sizes and colors. And based on their names and county of origin, we should not delve into their trap of lumping them as “Amharas” or “Tigreans,” because there are quite number of outstanding and very much enlightened individuals from these groups that do not subscribe to their evil agendas. Such individuals have taken on the airwaves this past weekend to denounce the illegal UN sanction against Eritrea, as well as to share their wisdom of working together for a common goal that is beneficial for the entire region of the Horn of Africa.
We should commend these types of individuals and encourage all also other like-minded individuals and organization of the Horn of Africa to engage in amicable dialogues in order to remove all the miseries from our region. Joining hands with Eritreans and showing solidarity in their rally against the ILLEGAL and UNJUST UN sanction; Joining hands with Somalis and showing solidarity to their call of removal of all foreign force from their soil; Joining hands with Ethiopians and showing solidarity on their call for free and democratic election; are some of examples we the average citizens of the Horn of Africa can collaborate.
To this end, it is the responsibility of each and one of us Eritreans, to invite as many friends as we can possibly find to join hands and show solidarity during our upcoming world-wide demonstrations for PEACE and JUSTICE in the Horn of Africa.
Haile A.
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