[DEHAI] Worldwide Demonstrations Demonstrate Steadfastness!!!

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From: Haile Abraham (haileab99@msn.com)
Date: Wed Feb 24 2010 - 13:53:49 EST

Hello Deki Ere,


Since the success of the worldwide march has been viewed live on TV, any written or spoken words would perhaps minimize the special effect of the eyewitness account. On that note and as a proud participant of the historic Washington, D.C. hizbawi march, I would like to take this opportunity to take my hats off to:


1. EriTV: The live coverage that was carried out in multiple locations around the globe in real-time was perhaps one of the most outstanding jobs by EriTV crew, who were able to put this LIVE coverage together. We always talk about some miracles that were carried out by our heroic tegadelti during our struggle, and what EriTV managed to do at this moment was as miraculous as those in the Eritrean history books. How can a country, barely 18 years old and with limited resources, can pull off such a technologically challenging global transmission with perfection? EriTV live broadcast enabled millions of Eritreans and friends of Eritrea around the world to be a part of the worldwide demonstrations, increasing the number of WWD participant to "Millions."


2. MeKete Organizers: There should be no doubt that these marches were public- initiatives. They are simply a public outcry against the ILLEGAL and UNJUST actions by the UN Security Council’s resolution 1907/2010. Anyone who indulges in entertaining the notion that these marches were government-sponsored may need to have his/her brain examined. There is nothing new about Eritreans coming together in defense of their motherland, it has been done and it is going to get done in the future. It is a part of our culture. As easy as it is to organize Eritreans, especailly when mam Ertra is tampered with, we must thank all those Eritrean members of the Hizbawi meKete for their dedication in getting the logistics part together. It is a tough job, but hey, we are Eritreans! Great job Mekete members...


3. The MeKete Youth, particularly the ones at the frontline (difa'E) leading the march with those huge signs and also those tireless youths with bullhorn leading the chants of the slogans: This is a clear testament that the Eritrean youth community is solidifying its role in the Eritrean society to uphold the legacy and lead our nation to the next generation. Eritrea is in good hands!


4. The Mekete crowd: What can be said about the crowd on each and every venue of the march, whose many of its participant traveled by air, land and sea for several hours to be a part of this historic march? Words are not enough to describe! Everyone must be and should be proud of being an Eritreans or a friend of Eritrea at such a historic moment like this. The slogans, the colorful Eritrean themes, the cameras, the smiles and above all the camaraderie that was being shared, are but few examples that electrified the crowd. In the DC march, Leul Fissheaye and Mikiel from Atlanta also brought their musical instruments to entertain the crowd. Good job guys!


In conclusion, February, 22, 2010 is a historic day and surely a memorable one for all of us who were lucky enough to be a part of Eritrean history. With these marches, Eritrean steadfastness has been validated as well solidified once again, thanks to those shameful parties who expected the opposite result.


Awat nHafash!!!


Haile A.



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