[DEHAI] (State Hornet) Corrections for "Eritrean artist depicts social struggles around the world"

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From: Merhawie (merhawie@gmail.com)
Date: Wed Feb 24 2010 - 21:38:19 EST

Hello John,

Regarding your piece, *Eritrean artist depicts social struggles around the
world*, I would just like to offer a couple of corrections. Otherwise I
thought the article was quite nice.

Eritrea was federated with Ethiopia in 1952 not annexed from. Also, just as
clarification, in 1962 Eritrea was illegaly annex by Ethiopia not from

Also as further clarification, Habesha only refers to two ethnic groups in
Eritrea and Ethiopia (These are the Amhara and Tigrinya/Tigrayans), this
amounts to less than 50% of the population of Eritrea and 20% of Ethiopia, a
far cry from all.

I look forward to seeing an update on the piece (
Thank you,

Merhawie Woldezion

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