[DEHAI] Celebrate Megabit 8 in Asmara

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From: Tesfai Bahta (ykalo@tse.com.er)
Date: Sat Feb 27 2010 - 17:59:23 EST

                                                    Celebrate Megabit

Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day in honor of our mothers,
spouses, sisters, daughters and especially our Freedom Fighters. The
North American Eritrean Community Association (NAECA) invites all
members, their family, friends and visitors to Asmara to a special
cultural night. National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW)
representatives will be there to give solidarity message as well as
other officials and dignitaries will attend this special show. Many
famous musicians will sing and play; the main feature for the evening
will be Robel Michael (shkor) and Robel Haile.

                                          When: - March 6, 2010,

                                             Where: - Expo
Bologna Club

                                                 Time: - 8:00 PM
– till…

There will be food and refreshments on request for sale. For more
information, call: - 20 08 86.

Awet nHafash!
NAECA Board.

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