[DEHAI] Re: Izze

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From: Zeben (redae@sympatico.ca)
Date: Thu Mar 04 2010 - 15:02:48 EST

Hi Emma

As always beautifully done!! I hope one day your amazing words will act as a surgical Laser to open the blind eyes of our world. Keep up the good job.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Amanuel
  To: redae@sympatico.ca
  Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 11:21 AM
  Subject: Izze

  Eritrean Government the Facilitator

  Amanuel Biedemariam


  Trying to capture the total spirit and essence of the demonstration against the UNjust resolution imposed on Eritrea by the US/UN is nearly impossible because there were many moving parts going full speed and all at the same time. However, there was a subtle message that blossomed throughout the whole event and that was, without a doubt Eritrean people RULE!


  Eritreans operate like a well-oiled machine with all the functioning parts on the right spots doing their job as the machine goes full speed. We are the best machine there is, agile, flexible, fast and spontaneous but always brilliant and any part that is out of place is n the sewage where it belongs. Eritreans are a delight to watch. They are furious, uncompromising and zestful when they roar in defense of their country. You can see it on their eyes, particularly the young women who took to the streets with bullhorns leading the cheer and proud echo that roars in defense of their beloved country Eritrea. It is like watching a slide show of high quality family pictures with all the frames telling individual stories.


  They tell the stories of defiance, perseverance, camaraderie, resilience and bravery. It tells the stories of love for one another and unmatched dedication to Eritrea when you see elderly women with arthritis in a cold winter day struggling to stand and walk through the soaked-wet-snowed grass. It is uplifting to see a veteran-amputee of the armed struggle leading the crowd on canes jumping up and down on one leg lifting his canes high in order to get attention by what appears to be a blind world. It is reassuring to see the young beauties and children some as young as eight strut in the middle of Lafayette Park with confidence fully aware of the magnitude and the reasons for their march. That is a beauty like no other that can warm and convert the heart of a devil if he sees it.


  This rally was a spontaneous rally that came together naturally. As usual, they wanted to taint it in bad light. There were attempts to divert people’s attention and discourage them from attending. Some even resorted to threats and intimidations. Nevertheless, that strengthened the resolve and determination of the participants even more. They came in groups by chartered buses overnight singing and having fun from Toronto, Chicago, Columbus, Michigan, Philadelphia, New York and New Jersey etc… sacrificing a day or two of school-day, work and family commitments. They brought their children to be part of history.

  They blanketed Lafayette Park and the Whitehouse with the Eritrean flag. Their love passion, energy and colorful presence glorified the beauty of Eritrean flag. There was not a single face that was sad but happy-and-upbeat smiles that were ready to explode with pride. Those who robbed their children of this beauty, when they could, truly missed out on a historic event.


  However, something was glaringly absent; the American free press. Not a single local media covered the event. No CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NPR, Reuters or their affiliates. What is ominous is that some of these media organizations were in the forefront doing advance reporting to discredit the event by portraying it as an event directed by the government of Eritrea. They literarily discredited the participants as if we are imbeciles that could not think for ourselves. They undermined Eritrean resolve, grievances, beauty and in the process; their own principles, if they ever had any. CNN has a dedicated staff to amplify any thing in Iran. They amplify any noise to show hysteria and disturbance. Unfortunately, CNN and others ignored a major event-taking place right in their backyard and in front of their faces. This is evidence that for Africans to have a voice they need to develop their own information media outlets.

  This demonstration was a stand against decades of ill-conceived policies that ignores the lives, way of life and future of the people in the region. It was a reflection of US interests in Africa, American policy in the Horn of Africa and its affect on the people in the region. It is a byproduct of the destructive policies responsible for the lives of millions displaced, wounded and dead in the region. It is in opposition to a leader who promised change to turn around, and pursued the same old policies of his predecessor - even accelerating it. It is against a President who preached “Hope” only to turn around and dash it. It is a reflection of a demographic shift in the US electorate in states like Virginia and specifically Northern Virginia where immigrants from the Horn of Africa reside and in the last election voted heavily in favor of President Obama.

  It is shameful act when the media fails to inform the American people of what is taking place in reaction to US policies on their backyard. It is also a lesson for those who preach “Free Press” that in reality free press does not exist. It is a sad reality on the USA when the people of the United States get their information about such a major Eritrean event through the website of the US Embassy in Eritrea. It is even worse when the Embassy engages in a propaganda campaign against the people and the Government of Eritrea. It is a travesty when the Embassy undermines Eritreans in the Diaspora by claiming only 1,500 of them demonstrated when the actual number is more than 10,000. The Embassy gave a fabricated number that misleads the casual visitor and denied Americans the true picture in an effort to insinuate that the government of Eritrea has no popular support. In addition, it is laughable to see the Embassy coming in defense of the First Amendment after the fact, a clear indication of the negative and deceptive campaign the Embassy wages. It was unnecessary and unprovoked hostility towards the people of Eritrea and the Eritrean Americans in the Diaspora need to lobby him out of Asmara.


  That is the history of Eritrea. The world always wants to ignore her. They ignored Eritrea when napalm bombs reigned on her people. They ignored Eritrea while starving; our 30 years exodus; our plight as refugees; our battles and victories. They ignored the blatant injustices and their roles in it. Moreover, they are repeating the same mischief deliberately while telling the Eritrean people we will reverse the independence that took over thirty years to bring about. They want to do that with utter lies, by using scalawags, murderers, and pedophiles and by discarding Eritrean/African history. They are playing accusers and judges to give their lies a legal cover.


  The Next Step

  These are the barometers of the challenges awaiting the Eritrean people. The new-nation is tested. The US and the TPLF gang are deliberately and, brazenly testing Eritrea in the political, diplomatic, economic and military arenas in malicious ways in order to destabilize her. That is the reality. There is no margin for error because a slip here and there may doom the fate of Eritrean people with serious ramifications.

  The good news is the fact that we are aware of this. We have the experience to deal with it and we know what it takes. We know it takes unparalleled love, devotion, commitment and inner-will to want to stand up. It takes a great deal of mastery and ingenuity about the issues at hand. It needs tremendous patience, flexibility as well as resilience. Above all, we need unity in the name of our martyrs. That has been the recipe for our success and will remain so.

  In a sense, the UNjust sanction that is meant to create a wedge between the people and government is a blessing in disguise because it renewed our commitment to the nation and the people of Eritrea. It revived the nationalism to even higher strata and helped the Eritrean-machine retool to the not-so-new reality. Eritreans are by far the most organized bunch when it comes to our country. We have the organizational infrastructures that date back to the day of our struggle for independence, an established networking infrastructure that work as arteries to facilitate for our needs. These are solid and unshakeable infrastructures and will-only get better. They are the envy of many African communities including our enemies. In emergency, they always function impeccably regardless of the type of event. This time however, they exceeded all expectations.


  February 22, 2010 will go down as one of the most successful moments in the history of this young nation. The demonstration planners did a great job coordinating their efforts throughout the world. Their achievement is a good indicator of the reasons why Eritrea was successfully able to win independence and that it will succeed in any of its stated goals. It is a testament to our unity and evidence of the iron-willed, unshakable Eritrean zeal determined to succeed no matter what. Eritreans showed they would travel night and day; march in the rain, snow, sleet or shine. They will pay any price and sacrifice all including their life or livelihood for Eritreana!


  Ahead of the march, the enemies of Eritrea conducted extensive campaigns to discourage Eritreans from attending and to render the event a failure. Moreover, when they realized Eritreans would not budge, they resorted to outright threats. They threatened to create disturbances during the march and to report Eritreans, particularly asylum seekers, to The Homeland Security offices. Eritreans marched regardless for they know that the sanction was illegal and that there is nobody who could talk them out of doing the right thing.

  This event was beneficial in many ways. It exposed the true colors of many. It exposed the hidden campaign that the “Products of the West” have been waging to the forefront. In an effort to garner their claims, they exposed themselves. They felt this was the right time to strike because they calculated the Government of Eritrea may be at its weakest point and that it has no support of the Eritrean people. In essence, they bet against the people of Eritrea and came out empty-handed, big time. In the process showed their incompetence by giving misleading information to their masters thus putting their masters in a bad position. President Obama betrayed his core constituency, the young Eritreans and Africans who worked tirelessly in his campaigns by betting on the wrong horse. He betrayed his own campaign promises. He preached engagement and failed to give it a chance.


  In many ways, February 22 was just a start. For long, Eritreans did not take a position because they held on to the idea of HOPE, engagement and a better relation. Now, we know what the reality is and what to expect.. We need to build on the successes of February 22. One of the most significant achievements of the event was the involvement of Ethiopians and other Horn of African communities. It is significant for the message it sent. It sent the message that you are welcome to join Eritreans any time anywhere. Welcome to work and plan to de-legitimize the organized mafia in Addis and put them in jail. It was significant because we established sustainable people-to-people relations that will strive irrespective of our differences. It shed the past and paved a way for better tomorrow so Eritreans everywhere can feel free to work with their counterparts and vice versa. Because there is a need to organize our Diaspora communities and strengthen our political positions as they do in Florida with the Cuban communities. We have large Horn of African communities in Northern Virginia and we can use that and build on it. There is a lot that we need to do. Moreover, those who relied on discouraging the demonstration need to brace for the avalanche, because we are just getting started.



  After they witnessed the success of the event, the enemies of Eritrea totally went berserk and lashed-out on the demonstrators by calling them poodles “Korakir Higdef“amongst other names of choice. Obviously, these people did not respect their parents to respect the mothers, fathers and the clergy that exercised their First Amendment rights. It is laughable to hear these degenerate characters claim to be fighting for democracy.

  Furthermore, in an effort to discredit the participants and paint the event, the enemies of Eritrea claimed that the Government of Eritrea organized the demonstrations. In the process however, they shot themselves on the foot as always. They admitted the people of Eritrea are the government of Eritrea. In that sense, yes they are right. The people/government of Eritrea organized the demonstrations freely by working day and night voluntarily by taking time away from work and school.


  Three generations attended the event. Parents who went through the 50’s and 60s; the generation that brought independence and to put a dagger in the hearts of the evil-enemies, the new generation led by an 8-year old Dawit who is already the epitome of Eritrean greatness. Dawit is a sign of beauty and continuity. As an Eritrean, I am thankful to have taken a part in the event. This was a personal initiative as it was for tens of thousands who participated by making all kinds of sacrifices. I thank God/Allah to come from this great nation and people. There is no greater feeling than that!


  Glory to our martyrs

  Awet nHafash

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