[DEHAI] Why does Johnnie Carson contiues to lie and lie with inpunity?

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From: Haile Abraham (haileab99@msn.com)
Date: Fri Mar 05 2010 - 10:17:25 EST

Hello Dehaiers,


I just can't get over this Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs' repeated lies after lies about how his efforts to establish "a positive relationship" with Eritrea were "spurned," and how his "repeated" visa requests to Eritera have been "denied," "rebuffed" or whatever have you. It is rediculous that this person contiunes to lie without any challenges and that the Obama Adminstraion contiues to rely on this guy's input.


On February 17, 2010, I and two other Eritreans, attended what was advetised as "Lecture with Ambassador Johnnie Carson" at the Elliott School of Internatial Affairs in Gerogetown University in Washington, D.C. The lecture was delivered to more that 60 individuals, including Professor, Graduate students and Department of State employees, and others like us..:-) The video is about 1 hr, but turst me, it is woth every minute...


Please watch and listen to the video of this lecture and also the very challenging question by Adiam, a young Eritrean that challenged him, and how he tried to lie his way out of her question.






Haile A.
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