[DEHAI] Akberet Kibirty

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From: Isaac, Tseggai (tseggai@mst.edu)
Date: Sat Mar 06 2010 - 08:24:17 EST

Akeberet Haile Kibirty

In a recent post, Asmarino.com posted a malicious article about Akberet Haile, resident here in Columbia, Missouri with a handful of Eritreans. In addition to being malicious, the article contained facts that are false regarding Akberet’s beloved and dignified father. The article was also gratuitous in containing false facts that were designed to defame and not inform. The editors at Asmarino.com must have known this, because the gratuitous facts about Akberet and her family were not related to the main theme of the essay. Asmarino.com failed itself and its readers in resorting to low level media practice that embitters collective sense of honor. This particular website, judging from its grotesque images and annoying sounds cannot help itself by containing falsehoods and defamatory articles. This type of media practice is also common in the PFDJ media outlets, needless to say, with more relish and shamelessness. It must stop. This practice communicates to the younger generation a political culture of dirty m
inds and cruel hearts.
My family and I have known Akberet, her husband, Haile ! and their three endearing children for almost ten years. They are a family of honor, hard working, and, like all Eritreans, working day and night to make life better for their children. Asmarino.com was badly mistaken to tarnish and mock such a wholesome family. What a shame !

Tseggai Isaac

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