[DEHAI] Somailia - A New Approach

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From: Haile Abraham (haileab99@msn.com)
Date: Fri Mar 12 2010 - 11:04:37 EST

Hello Dehaiers,
In light of what the mainstream media is reporting about imminent "U.S. air power support" to attack Somalia and also amid the brewing food aid distribution scandal in Somalia, some prominent US politicians have started to voice off a better alternative to be pursued by the the Obama Administration to pursue in Somalia.


In a recent article, Dan Simpson, a former U.S. ambassador to Somalia and also a Post-Gazette associate editor, argued that the US ought to leave Somalia for Somalis to determine their own fate instead of the US and others dictating what's going on in that country. He concluded his article by saying, "When I left the issue in 1995 I was persuaded that the best thing for Somalia -- and therefore for America and the rest of the world -- was to leave the Somalis to sort out their problems. Given what has happened since, and what is likely to happen now with the new U.S. military effort, I still think so. Why not let the Shabab take the place and then do business with them?"

Isn't this what Eritrea has been preaching all along from the beginning but ended up being slapped with a sanction for suggesting the RIGHT and JUST solution in Somalia? In a similar fashion, another document has also surfaced, if not with a similar tone, but rather with suggestion for the Obama Administration to have a new approach in Somalia. In a document released by the Council of Foreign Relations, Center of Preventive Action, the "special report" titled "Somalia - A New Approach," several options and alternatives have been recommended in dealing with Somali crisis. It is time that the Obama Administration abandons its current failed policy in Somalia, which it has inherited from previous administration, and pursues a New Approach.


"Somalia - A New Approach," still has its flaws about its assumption that Eritrea is a key player when it says: "Though the sanctions were enthusiastically supported by regional actors, the resulting arms embargo, asset freezes, and travel bans are unlikely to encourage President Isaias to halt the flow of arms to the Shabaab and Hizbul Islam. But at the same time its recommendation to the State Department is correct and absolutely critical, "The State Department should also continue to pursue opportunities for dialogue and negotiations with Asmara. These attempts are unlikely to succeed, but Asmara can exert considerable influence over the Shabaab, and the effort is worth making. The United States may also increase its credibility among Islamists in the region by adopting a more neutral posture between Eritrea and Ethiopia."


Overall, a fresh approach to Somalia crisis is essential to the Obama Administration if it wants to insure its Africa policy followers that the "CHANGE" train is indeed in motion.


Here is the link for the entire document: http://www.cfr.org/publication/21421/

Haile A.

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