Re: [DEHAI] "Anta Jhig-na ... anta Jhig-na...'

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Date: Sun Mar 14 2010 - 11:44:02 EST

Selam Dehaiers,
This is what the shallow-minded Eritreans (like that 'moron and idiot'
whose brain is still
frozen in the frigid fiords of Norway) aren't getting. In order to govern
in Eritrea, or
anywhere else for that matter, you don't have to have an
and-watered-down degree from Harvard. An ass-kisser like Kofi Anan, or one
of his
stooges in the UN, can go up the ladder and become even a UN Secretary
but he would be worthless were he to be called upon to operate in the
harsh realities
of Eritrea. You have to display genuine humility and genuine care for your
people that
the average Eritrean can buy and admire, and at the same time display
and courage that the Eritrean army soldier can look upto and emulate. You
can't buy
these qualities, you have to earn them. And Isayas has earned the "Anta
Jhig-na" adulation through a life-time of struggle and performance against
all odds.
Actually, Isayas said it all, or at least rumor has it that he said it.
How did he put it?
"Izom MBA tibluwom kindi merah ganta natna Aybequniom ab meriet Eritrea".
I don't know if he really said it. If he didn't, he should have said it.
Why? Because
it puts the hubris of undeserved "shimmuni digiri aleni" stupidity in its
proper place. The
obvious moral of the story is that it takes a life time, if achieved even
then, to be an
expert in any field. And leadership of a country, especially a challenging
country like
Eritrea with very limited resources and very delicate ethnic composition,
is no exception
to that.
“Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's
opinion is the best proof of stupidity.”...
.............. Michel de Montaigne

In a message dated 3/13/2010 9:55:02 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Hello dehaiers:
     Yesterday, on March 13, I did watch on EriTv Isayas's trip
to Zoba Debub. I have no doubt most of you have seen it... if not on Tv
on the internet... it was on '' in full for example, & again
perhaps on other websites too... but if you haven't seen it. it would be
worth to at least browse it. The purpose of his trip was to see some of the
development activities in the area.
     He was being led by the good governor of the Zoba Debub Mr. .
NurHishen, if
I have got his name right. I call him good governor, because I see
elements of
good governorship being reflected from him... one day you see him
lecturing from
the slopes of the 'DelHina ' road connecting Adi Kaeh to Massawa, another
day he is on the Hazemo area helping displaced farmers back to their
and another day he is somewhere in ex Quola Seraye always working with
farmers of the area so they can have a better life, and so on and so forth.
     Isayas looked like he had too much to see in one day so he had to
move fast and he did. As you see him hoping from one dam to the next, from
one dairy farm to another modern poultry & to another beef fattening farm,
I certainly believe you have also seen walking behind him a big 'light of
hope '... in case you haven't seen it, take it from me, there was one. The
love I saw being poured on him from the people of the area was not an
ordinary one... it was humongous, it was big... it was something different...
the people went completely crazy with happiness and delight.. I have seen
people greeting leaders but not like this. Well, as I said it before and I
am saying it again Isayas is 'people and country first'... and his people
especially those in the country side know it very well. He is for them and
they are for him is what I said when I saw him doing his tours on Tv &
surprisingly enough when I was watching the same program in the evening on U
tube (, I heard them putting it exactly word by word the way I
put it.. they said 'he is them and they are him'..... & I said, yes, they
are right. This is what happened.. at one point, in one of the villages he
visited, he was done with whatever he was to see and was about to go into
his car.. out the blues as Americans would say, a lady came rushing towards
him with open arms saying 'anta gigh-na ..anta gigh-na ' and hugged him and
kissed him ...and kissed him and kissed him like she was his younger
sister who hasn't seen him for years... this was not a choreographed act, this
was not pre-scheduled or pre-arranged act .... it was a spontaneous act of
love and respect ... very natural, very honest. I have seen this happening
to him at least on two different occasions in the past. Once, it was
about two years ago, he was doing the same type of tour in some parts of the
'Gash Barca' area.. at one point again, there were a group of Moslem women
in their traditional outfits waiting to honor their President and one of
them broke from the lines and went & hugged him & showed him her honest
natural love and respect in her own way... another time too, I clearly remember,
it was while he was touring the Senafe Area... this time it was an old
man, I can surely say he was old enough to be his grand father.. stopped him
on his way and hugged him and kissed him like he was never to let him
go.. When you see events like these, it is not hard to say 'Yes he is them and
they are him'... He is most loved leader. Now, all I say is 'may God be
with him all the time'.
Tesfai Kflu.

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