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From: yohannes zeratsion (yohannes.zeratsion1@web.de)
Date: Sat Mar 20 2010 - 13:04:03 EST

 Dear Dehai internet web-site providers,

I would be very gratefu if you wlould be able to post my attached article on your web-site.

I appreciate very much for your co-operation.

Yohannes Zeratsion

Ffm, Germany




The neo-colonialistic policy of this selfish, insatiable aspirations of this country continues over the whole world’s’ population, unabated. This country has harmed us Eritrean more than any country on the world. The only thing is that, they have not thrown atomic bomb, like they did in Japan.


Through their propaganda machinery they camouflage their cruel decisions, especially against those weak and poor countries like, Eritrea. They weave their cruel decisions based on lies in a creeping, silent way through the lame duke, UN.  The other western countries watch guards and rally behind every proposal they summit, simply because the interest of this country is also their interest.


This selfish country, which has unending appetite of the world resources, exploits 90% of the world resources and still with that, its thirst is not quenched. What a greed, what a country?


I never forget the days they were in may country.  I was at my teenage at that time. After the Second World War, Hailesellassie gave them a thanks gift and they built several military bases in different parts of my country. Once they established themselves in my country, they lead life as if they were the hosts and the Eritrean people were the guests in their own country. They and the Ethiopian Army introduced prostitution, adultery, alcohol, and bars which grew like mushrooms in every corner of the cities which the Eritrean People were foreign to. This endemic culture brought with it uncontrolled sexual diseases (venereal diseases) and the poor Eritrean people were extensively exposed to it and had very little ways and means to spare themselves from it. The Eritrean people were victims of these deadly diseases for years till independence and till the heroic Government took swift measures to curb it.


The military bases this country established in my country were normally under Lease. Yet the Eritrean People never saw a cent from the Lease. Without doubt, those Lease proceeds filled the wallets of Hailesellassie and his ministers. Mind you, Lease proceeds from the Land of Eritrea flowing to Ethiopia. This is what this country did to us.


These selfish interests of this country did not confine only to those interests I tried to describe above. As a student and as a teenager, I saw for a long time several railway wagons loaded with soil hauled by train from Asmara to the port of Massawa. Every body was wondering what those loads could be. It was said that this soil in wagon-loads was mined from the outskirts of Asmara, like ADI QUSHET. Eritreans who were working in the military bases were telling, they used to be brought down to underground excavations, around or under their bases and excavated soil. It was known, long before those times, Asmara and its surrounding areas were rich in Gold deposits, and they were hauling these rich deposits to their country or some where else. For them most of the people were illiterate and don’t know what was going on and if there were some few who knew, can’t confront them out of fear.


 In the fifties and sixties, during student demonstrations, to clap down on the demonstrations, their Military Police, called MPs patrolled in their Jeeps, the streets of Asmara together with their Ethiopian MPs. They were simply the owners of the country, except for their white colour.


They did every thing to strangle our struggle for independence, both militarily and politically. Immediately after independence, they tried to topple the Government. When this plan failed, they instigated the Badme war and allured Government Officials to support their intrigue, just like they did in Iraq. One plan fails another plan evolves and put into experiment. When the International Boundary Commission was finalized, they did every thing to make it null and void. Again they failed. The next instigation was border conflict with Djibouti which hosts French and American military bases. (If one is honest, Djibouti never experienced real Independence. It was always and still is under foreign occupation).This oppressive country never learns from its mistakes. All they see is their world. For them, there is no other world, other than theirs and there is no good Government other than theirs. No one thinks better than them. Their technological superiority, which happened to be in this century has blared them.


What I have tried to tell above is a fraction of the whole of Eritrea’s fate with this evil country. However, what extremely upsets me more than anything else is about those Eritreans living in the Diaspora, especially those living in this monster country. Many educated Eritreans living there, behave as if they have not heard, behave as if they have not seen anything, about the very tempting time Eritrea is passing through. As if for them Eritrea dilemma is apathetic. Is it none of their concern when this evil country is waging a psychological warfare against Eritrea?. When Eritrea is called TINY, THE POOREST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, A DISTABLIZING COUNTRY etc?. How on earth can an Eritrean be tongue-tied, when his own country is called names and dragged to the lowest level and  humility. Eritrea is not TINY. The truth is that there are about 134 countries in the world which are smaller in area than Eritrea and never been nicknamed TINY, POOR, DISTABLIZING etc. It is only because, for them, Eritrea is a bad example of what is good, which other countries in Africa would follow suite and they have to wage a psychological warfare called,  A NIB IN THE BUD.  I have bitter grievances against those educated Eritreans who see Eritrea been taken in pillory as none of their concern. They have exchanged Eritrea’s Dignity, Eritrean Traits for positions in their Universities, in their Institutions, UN positions and been emissaries of this country’s propaganda, at the end to be rewarded with dollars. The MENKERIOSES, BEREKETS, PAULOSES, ASSEFAWES, GAIMES and many others, forgot that Eritrea is precious, is more than dollars. Do they think they will take dollars with them, when they head to the grave. Or have they changed the Eritrean blood running in their veins with a foreign blood, through transfusion. If their dream is to wait in the pipeline, to be Eritrea’s KARZAIS, MALIKIS, CHALABIS and MUSSAVIS, they should have no doubt in their mind, for them, Eritrea is lost forever and never would set foot in its soil. The JOHOVAS and PENTICOSTS and others, forward soldiers of this evil country, will never succeed to pave the way for them for invasion.


At the end, this devilish country should know all its attempts to break the will of the Eritrean people, to break the will of our hero, President Iseyas Afwerki, will never succeed. The People are the President and the President is the people. ERITREA WILL NEVER KNEEL DOWN.



Yohannes Zeratsion


Ffm, G.




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