[DEHAI] FW: Tesfaldet Meharena and Asmarino Misrepresent the UN Monitoring Group`s Report on Somalia

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From: Berhane Habtemariam (Berhane.Habtemariam@gmx.de)
Date: Sun Mar 21 2010 - 07:02:34 EST

Tesfaldet Meharena and Asmarino Misrepresent the UN Monitoring Group`s
Report on Somalia



A friend sent me a copy of an $B!H(BEditorial$B!I(B posted on Asmarino.com, a
website run by Tesfaldet Meharena, a known anti$B!>(BEritrea operative. His
website is full of erroneous hearsays, fabrications and insulting articles
and materials on Eritrea, its leadership and its people. I have never met
the man but have spoken to him several times on the phone and it was after
hearing him misrepresenting$B!>(Bmore like out right lying$B!>(Bon one of his pal
talk sessions about a year back about one of our conversations that I
decided that he was not quite all together there. How can a grown man lie
about something that can be verified so easily? Someday, I will write about
that conversation and present the several email exchanges that we had about
the subject, as his readers need to know what he is real like$B!D!D!D(B.Continue
to read the PDF.


Berhane Habtemariam

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