[DEHAI] FW: Tesfaldet Meharena and Asmarino Misrepresent the UN Monitoring Group`s Report on Somal

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From: asmirnz@kol.co.nz
Date: Tue Mar 23 2010 - 19:21:01 EST

Selam Sophia our sister and daughter,

First let me congratulate you for your relentless writing is the
defense of the halal meryt.
You are one articulate writer whereby every sentence that you wrote is
supported by undeniable facts. Our lovely daughter it is due to your
un-diminishing efforts that thousands of Eritreans are going to bed
knowing very well that Eritrea is in safe hands and marching forward.
It is also through your source of inspiration and to the shock of the
ill wishers that thousands of Eritreans marched to denounce the unjust
and counter productive UN resolution. You are an extraordinary citizen
and YES! amen to your Nikid tiray!

In your thread about Tesfaldet Meharena you wrote: <<I have never met
the man but have spoken to him several times on the phone and it was??>>

You might not know him but there are those that know him from his
childhood. Wwhat you do not know about him is that, in the
mid-seventies the Meharena family have experienced a traumatic event.
One day in the mid-seventies in the vicinity of Adi nefas there was a
major engagement between shaebia forces and the Ethiopian Dergu
forces. The Ethiopian air force that day bombarded and shuck the earth
from dawn to dusk, and of course the sadness in asmara was very vivid
for everyone to see on their faces. To our dismay and devastation
that day Ato Meharena climbed with his binocular to the roof top and
started to observe what was going on. What Ato Meharena miscalculated
was that, at the top of the Nyala Hotel there were Dergu Hotel
security guards watching him down below. Of course they have
automatically associated him with being an urban associate passing
logistics and not only the sniper cut his life short but also went on
to the property and traumatized the whole family. I believe it is from
this date that Tesfaldet?s trauma has set in, I suspect at a
subconscious level Tesfaldet is still blaming the (sewra) revolution
for bringing him and his family the misfortune and is still harboring
some sort of resentment. Maybe this explains it why he is like that.

I have also met several Eritreans that have such kind of sentiment
deeply embedded in them, these individuals just because they have lost
a loved one or some sort of chattels or properties along the way end
up being hooked in bitterness. If there is one advice I would convey
would be, please learn to look at the bigger picture, for Eritrea is
still safe and moving to the right direction.

NB: Any Ato Meharena loved ones that may read this e-mail, if I have
opened and old would please forgive me, remember asmara was also
devastated by the loss that your family has suffered.

Kind regards
Asmire nz

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