[DEHAI] [dehai-news] (Ioseaturtles.org) Eritrea promotes biodiversity conservation at national even II

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From: asmirnz@kol.co.nz
Date: Wed Mar 24 2010 - 16:56:03 EST

Selam Deahi

I hope you are following the Endangered Species Covention in Doha,



Compare this to what GoE has already put in place already, don?t you
think Eritrea is still one step ahead.
Although convention is a good thing, curtailing greed and instilling
personal responsibility is by far the best protection. Remember how
Eritrean school children are encouraged to take responsibility and
look after the thousands trees planted in memory of our fallen ones;
in a similar manner businesses and individual citizens should also
take personal responsibility and protect our environment.

More rain for Eritrea and YES! amen to Nikid tiray!

Kind regards
Asmire nz

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