[DEHAI] [dehai-news] (Ioseaturtles.org) Eritrea promotes biodiversity conservation at national even III

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From: asmirnz@kol.co.nz
Date: Fri Mar 26 2010 - 00:11:53 EST

Selam Dehai,

For your information two small brave nations Palau and the Maldives
have also taken individual responsibility like that of GoE and created
sanctuary for their marine species. The difference here is that, GoE
foresaw the the danger in the distance while these two small Islands
are doing because their survival is now on the line.
GoE is like a skipper that constantly reads the clouds and the waters
never leaving a chance for a calamity to strike.

One funny thing, some of our Eritrean kids that overhead us talking
about the marine conservation, were already arguing on which one of
them would be responsible for the Eritrean 'Nemo' the fish. I thought
that was so cute.

ajlokum Nikid tiray!
Asmire nz

Read below and visit the address also:

Maldives Joins Palau, Micronesia in the Fight to Save the Sharks of the World


(Palau, Micronesia ? March, 2010)
Palau, with 20,000 inhabitants and an archipelago of more than 500
islands, formally established a protective zone to help preserve the
predatory fish and support local tourism, protecting its 136 species
in its 237,000 square miles of ocean, an area nearly the size of Texas.

Palau, with 20,000 inhabitants and an archipelago of more than 500
islands, formally established a protective zone to help preserve the
predatory fish and support local tourism, protecting its 136 species
in its 237,000 square miles of ocean, an area nearly the size of Texas.
And just last week, The Maldives announced it was making its
territorial waters a shark sanctuary as well and has banned all
imports and exports of shark fins.
In addition to the ethical and economic impact of protecting the shark
population, sharks are an apex predator that are critical for
maintaining the health of the oceans and the health of the population
of fish and other species that are a mainstay of the human diet.

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