[DEHAI] What does he mean by we "encourage" the woyane???

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From: Haile Abraham (haileab99@msn.com)
Date: Sun Mar 28 2010 - 20:10:25 EST

Selam all,
Recently, I have been following the way the US Assistance Secretary for African Affairs, Mr. Johnnie Carson, answers questions relating to the Woyane regime's human rights, illegal killing and/or jailing of opposition members issues, as well its dreadful record in preparation for its upcoming so-called "election" in May.
In many cases, the Assistant Secretary casually responds with that same broken-record tone of "We encourage" the dictatorial regime to do this and that mambo jambo, and nobody seems to ask him what he means by "we encourage...."
Well, I finally looked up the word "encourage" in the dictionary just to set the record, as well as to decipher what Mr. Carson is saying (or has been trained to say), and here is what it is defined as:
To Encurage is:
1. to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence: His coach encouraged him throughout the marathon race to keep on running.
2. to stimulate by assistance, approval, etc.: One of the chief duties of a teacher is to encourage students.
3. to promote, advance, or foster: Poverty often encourages crime.
So if I am understanding correctly, does it mean that the US policy toward Meles Zenawi is:
1. to ispire Meles with courage, spirit or confidence to contine with his criminaly activity? or
2. to stimulate Meles by assistance, apporval, etc to continue with his crimial activity? or
3. to promote, advance, or foster Meles's crimianal activities?
Haile A.
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During an official visit to Ethiopia three weeks ago, Carson said, he met
with Prime Minister Meles and raised the case of Birtukan as well as a
number of other individuals who are being held by the Ethiopian authorities.
“I encouraged the government to act in a responsible fashion in dealing with
these cases and noted very clearly that the continued imprisonment of people
like Ms. Birtukan undermined the credibility and image of the Ethiopian
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