[DEHAI] [dehai-news] What do you know about drones?

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From: asmirnz@kol.co.nz
Date: Thu Apr 01 2010 - 23:21:36 EST

Selam solomon,

We do not even need to read about the dromes. Since our fairy tooth
time in the backyard of Eritrea up to today in our pension times we
have come to learn how Special Interests ?Androbo? functions.
Yes you are right, it is not far from the truth that, during the
Weyane war of savagery, the near new commissioned power plant at
Hirgigo was not only hit but was bull?s-eyed with precision. One thing
is though for sure, above the so called dromes there exists this
human-spirit. Even in difficult times resilient GoE has managed to
reinstate the power plant, and, today many villages that have never
ever seen electrical bulbs in their dwellings are finding themselves
out of the darkness. This is the Eritrean spirit that I always love,
yes be angry but be angry in a constructive way!

ajlokum Nikid tiray!
Asmire nz

I don't know how to start but I will rest on spying. In the old days
during the world wars and until now in the developing world spying
used to depend on people crossing enemy borders, entering enemy
occupied and assessing logistical and military situations in-order to
plan an attack or counter attack. The Eritrean revolution and the
latest war with Woyane is a good home example to this. This activity
may yield good firsthand information and clear picture but it may also
cost lives of people stepping on land mines, those seen by enemy
security personnel or suddenly landing on active military environment.
Some may be captured, tortured and imprisoned or kept incognito for
After the second world war the developed world depended more on aerial
survailanse using manned flights such as NEEN (Soviet planes used
during the Eritrean independence struggle) which was in-effective as
it can be detected from its noise. Such gadgets also face the
possibility of anti-aircraft attack resulting in loss of lives and
property. Later developments introduced the drones, small, unmanned
flying objects that can be ejected from the ground into the air by
various mechanisms and, once afloat, can be guided and directed from
the ground or from sattelites with the help of GPS. These objects fly
at heights of 7,000 - 20,000 meters and may be more. Because of their
small size they are difficult to detect, are small in weight and thus
require less energy to keep them afloat. They can stay in space for as
long as their service is needed as they can be fueled fin space. They
can be equipped with electronic equipments enabling them to view
  areas, zoom in on targets to get better picture and transmit via
sattelite. It is said that such US gadgets were used to assist the
Woyane during the last onslaught of the Eritrea-Ethiopia border war.
I just thought some of you might be interested to read on this
subject. If so you may do so using the link below. You may find more
links if still interested.


Solomon B.

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