[DEHAI] Falsely Accused

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From: Barnabas Yohannes (yohannesb@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Apr 07 2010 - 10:55:54 EDT

Thank you for putting a permanent link on this message. However, its link is dead. Please update it with this one:
My dearly beloved and highly esteemed Dehayers,
Ever since this was first publish on Dehai, I have received flood of emails of encouragements; and many Eritrean friends and families have asked me to put a permanent website for people to learn from it.
It appears that this case is not over yet. Therefore, I will update my fellow Dehayers as it further develops.
Yours true brother,

Barnabas (Barne) Yohannes
"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth."


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