[DEHAI] RE: [dehai-news] Eastafro.com: Video: Dr. Berhe Habteghiorgis on the Horn of Africa Conference

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From: Haile Abraham (haileab99@msn.com)
Date: Mon Apr 12 2010 - 15:34:33 EDT

Hello all,

Thanks for forwarding this brilliant speech by Dr. Berhe Habteghigis. I have never felt so proud of him when I personally heard him responding to those useless aging Ethiopian professor, who arrogantly and egotistically tried to fuel the conflict between Eritrean and Ethiopians with their presentations. I have known Dr. Berhe for a long time and I had no doubt that he is more than equipped to represent Eritreans at any level and in any forum. So even though I was well aware that the conference was organized by Ethiopians and for Ethiopians, I became curious enough to attend when I found out that a 2-hour time slot had been allotted for the "Eritrea and Ethiopia" session. I also attended the conference to see if the old Ethiopian intellectuals have either learned any new lesson from the past or if they have been replaced by a newer generation of intellectuals with a much brighter ideology.


To my surprise, I haven't seen none. And when I heard both Professor Shumet Sishagne and also Professor Getachew Begashaw preach about that same old ridiculous Ethiopia's claim for the port of Assab, I realized that we have still a long way to go. Not too long though, because once these decaying old professor dinosaurs have become extinct, new minds will emerge.


Again, thanks Dr. Berhe for being there to educate and inform the hungry crowd. I strongly belive that you gave them more hope and more insight towards a brighter future in our region than those two professors and their like-minded buddies put together.


Haile A.


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Video: Dr. Berhe Habteghiorgis on the Horn of Africa Conference


Video: Dr. Berhe Habteghiorgis's speech on the Horn of Africa Conference
Crystal City, VA on April 10, 2010

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