[DEHAI] Israel should help the 13000 Eritreans move on !

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From: Zeyhilel@aol.com
Date: Thu Apr 29 2010 - 02:25:34 EDT

Selam Dehaiers,
The Eritreans that are finding themselves in Israel took a lot of risk to
get there.
They should be allowed to move on. Returning them back to Eritrea will
bring untold psychological problems on the young Eritreans. It is a
terrible idea.
At the same time, I don't think the Eritrean security forces would be
comfortable to
receive such a large number of young men (many of whom have had previous
training in Eritrea) that have resided for a while in the home of the
Mossad. I don't
blame them.
Even if Israel offers some money, the Eritrean authorities, I hope, would
be wise
enough to turn it down and convince Israel to use all its leverage to help
individuals to move on to Europe, Canada and the USA. Of course, I'm aware
the worldwide economic slowdown is complicating matters.
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opinion is the best proof of stupidity.”...
.............. Michel de Montaigne

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