[DEHAI] ICT Exhibition and Paper in SAWA FESTIVAL 2010 (July 16 - 19)

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From: YPFDJ Media (media@youngpfdj.com)
Date: Sun May 16 2010 - 09:16:35 EDT

The Sawa youth festival that will be held from July 16th - 19th , 2010 will
host a large number of activities and programme.
As part of the festival there will be a strong emphasis on the role of
technology and especially ICT in the development of Eritrea; and the
organisers are calling for participants who can exhibit an ICT projects or
study they are involved in. The organisers would also like to call for
papers that can describe innovative ICT projects that can transform
positively the socio-economic development of Eritrea.
The aim of the exhibition is to give young Eritreans to exhibit their ICT
expertise and the possibility to adopt the technology towards integration
and implementation to develop Eritrea.
Although the organisers are happy to exhibit the wide ranging ICT activities
young Eritreans are involved in; it is also important to see how the project
can be implemented in Eritrea to make a difference on the technological
challenges Eritrea is facing today. It is recommended to think about the
following when submitting your exhibition, how your project can
* Change the way people communicate, work and earn their livelihood.
* Ways to create knowledge educate people and disseminate information
* The challenges faced to implement ICT projects
* way of facilitating and conducting economic business practices
If you are interested in taking part in the ICT exhibition in Sawa Festival
2010, please
* send a one paragraph description of the project or paper you want to
present in the Sawa festival
* inform the organisers any requirement you might have when exhibiting
your project, such us electrical supply
* you need to send the intention to take part in the ICT exhibition by
June 30, 2010
* you need to send the email to Sirak Bahlbi on sirak@bahlbi.com who
is coordinating the project

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