[DEHAI] [VoA INTERVIEW] Queen Nefertiti Chats With Voice of America

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From: Araia G. Ephrem (agephrem@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue May 25 2010 - 20:47:45 EDT


INTERVIEW LINK: http://mestyat.com/sound/tigr1900aTUE_Nef.mp3

AD PAGE: http://mestyat.com/Nef_Sawa.html

Anxious to head to Sawa Festival 2010 held in Eritrea, Nef is doing a car wash project. Determined to be with her people, she doesn't mind doing little jobs. She sighs and says, "I got to be there." She adds, "My people! My Sequel!."

I talked to Nef at length, whom I consider my favorite by now. I consider her the youth fighter of the decade; determined none like other. Easy to talk to and pleasantly understanding, Nef will just share her ideas gently.

She doesn't know Eritrea. She was born in Sudan, and came to the US when she was only 25 days old. She converses with me in both Tigrigna and English. No problem. So what makes this queen this unique? What makes her respecting her roots so strong? She even speaks her native language with pride.

Then over the days, I finally understood it. I started understanding her. She is a born rebel. Her musical title is not a marketing scheme. She is really "A Born Rebel."

Her friends affectionately call her “Nef." A short for "Queen Nefertiti." Nef is Suzy Abraha of Eritrea. Born Eritrean-American, she amazingly holds tight to her Eritrean roots and masters her native tongue.

A unique youth Hip Hop artist, Nef reconciles two cultures with philosophical and clean lyrics. And her voice soars to the heights. Nef sings with PASSION, and her lyrics stay focused and healthy. Nef will tell you that she intends to sing her own style, echo her own beliefs and stay ethically true to herself.

Earning the respect of her peers in the Hip Hop culture, Nef is now traveling to perform in the 4th Sawa Festival 2010. She will travel with other artists from USA, Europe and Middle East. In this tour, Nef is among the talented group know as EriArtista. Sawa Festival is held every two years, and there will be more than 50,000 youth to attend from inside and outside Eritrea. Sawa Festival is intended to gather many talents from many corners of the world and foster friendships, creativity, and ties to their Eritrean roots.

Now, I don't hesitate to call Nef my friend. And a younger sister. She is not small, but I'd like to consider her like a little sister. Let her sing! Let her thrive!

The angels of music hoover over us. And what is passionate is that, this youth who doesn't even know Eritrea first hand is shouting for Eritrea!

The land I call Eritrea has musical angels hoovering over it. They all love her. Glory!

INTERVIEW LINK: http://mestyat.com/sound/tigr1900aTUE_Nef.mp3

God/Allah Bless Eritrea!
Glory to Our Martyrs!

Araia G. Ephrem

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