[DEHAI] Re: [VoA INTERVIEW] Queen Nefertiti Chats With Voice of America

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From: Tewelde Tesfagabir (ttesfag@voanews.com)
Date: Wed May 26 2010 - 11:09:19 EDT


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Araia G. Ephrem wrote:
> INTERVIEW LINK: http://mestyat.com/sound/tigr1900aTUE_Nef.mp3
> AD PAGE: http://mestyat.com/Nef_Sawa.html
> Anxious to head to Sawa Festival 2010 held in Eritrea, Nef is doing a
> car wash project. Determined to be with her people, she doesn't mind
> doing little jobs. She sighs and says, "I got to be there." She adds,
> "My people! My Sequel!."
> I talked to Nef at length, whom I consider my favorite by now.
> I consider her the youth fighter of the decade; determined none like
> other. Easy to talk to and pleasantly understanding, Nef will just
> share her ideas gently.
> She doesn't know Eritrea. She was born in Sudan, and came to the US
> when she was only 25 days old. She converses with me in both Tigrigna
> and English. No problem. So what makes this queen this unique? What
> makes her respecting her roots so strong? She even speaks her native
> language with pride.
> Then over the days, I finally understood it. I started understanding
> her. She is a born rebel. Her musical title is not a marketing scheme.
> She is really "A Born Rebel."
> Her friends affectionately call her “Nef." A short for "Queen
> Nefertiti." Nef is Suzy Abraha of Eritrea. Born Eritrean-American, she
> amazingly holds tight to her Eritrean roots and masters her native tongue.
> A unique youth Hip Hop artist, Nef reconciles two cultures with
> philosophical and clean lyrics. And her voice soars to the heights.
> Nef sings with PASSION, and her lyrics stay focused and healthy. Nef
> will tell you that she intends to sing her own style, echo her own
> beliefs and stay ethically true to herself.
> Earning the respect of her peers in the Hip Hop culture, Nef is now
> traveling to perform in the 4th Sawa Festival 2010. She will travel
> with other artists from USA, Europe and Middle East. In this tour, Nef
> is among the talented group know as EriArtista. Sawa Festival is held
> every two years, and there will be more than 50,000 youth to attend
> from inside and outside Eritrea. Sawa Festival is intended to gather
> many talents from many corners of the world and foster friendships,
> creativity, and ties to their Eritrean roots.
> Now, I don't hesitate to call Nef my friend. And a younger sister. She
> is not small, but I'd like to consider her like a little sister. Let
> her sing! Let her thrive!
> The angels of music hoover over us. And what is passionate is that,
> this youth who doesn't even know Eritrea first hand is shouting for
> Eritrea!
> The land I call Eritrea has musical angels hoovering over it. They all
> love her. Glory!
> INTERVIEW LINK: http://mestyat.com/sound/tigr1900aTUE_Nef.mp3
> God/Allah Bless Eritrea!
> Glory to Our Martyrs!
> Araia G. Ephrem

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