[DEHAI] FW: Hello Isayasist

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From: Tesfai.Kflu@fredonia.edu
Date: Thu May 27 2010 - 13:05:44 EDT

Hello Dehaiers:
     Just to be fair, I have deleted the source of the message I am responding
to because it was between me and him... but, you have to read his letter too...
it is so typical of people who say have opposing points of view .... and mostly with not much substance.
     Long time ago I wrote an article saying 'Zenawi is not as bad as we thought he
was'. My writing was based on pieces of collected information stating Zenawi's belief on the fact that Eritrea is a sovereign nation and that its lines are what was agreed between Menelik and Mussolini etc... Siye Abraha, his former 'Minister of Defense, was sentenced to be jailed ... the charge was corruption, but, Siye said it in court, loud & clear, Zenawi's problem with me is not corruption, it is Eritrea... we wanted to proceed to Eritrea he said no... we wanted to go to Assab he said he was not for it... and things like that... and I said, what I said i.e. perhaps 'Zenawi is not as bad as we thought he was'. Right away some one in private said to me I must be from Tigrai. Well, there is nothing wrong from being 'tigrawai', but, I happened not be. By the same token, the guy I am talking about in today's mail too thinks I am from Tigrai... again I say I am not.. and I had to tell him where I am from and where every body else is from .... if you
know what I mean :-)
Tesfai K.


From: Kflu, Tesfai
Sent: Mon 5/3/2010 11:43 PM
Cc: Kflu, Tesfai
Subject: FW: Hello Isayasist

     In my previous message I saw some wrongly spelled words etc.. so, this is slightly
Tesfai K.


From: Kflu, Tesfai
Sent: Mon 5/3/2010 9:54 PM
Cc: Kflu, Tesfai
Subject: RE: Hello Isayasist

K'bur ato .....
     I thank you for having enjoyed my past writings in Dehai. Yes, I am a hard core
Isayasist and I still am. I don't believe what you say about Sherifo, Sherifo's wife Aster
FeseHatsion, Petros Solomon and his wife too. It is all propaganda meant to denigrate
Isayas... I wish you don't pay much attention to unsubstantiated information like
these... it is all trivia. Yes, I know they are detained and I can't say I am happy they
are there without seeing their day in court... but then, what do I know if the government
has a good reason to keep them there until such time comes that it is good to do so.
Ato......., just give the government enough time and you will see every thing happening
in the right order. 'No peace no war' is a U.S. and Woyane policy to keep social and
economic progress from happening in Eritrea... but, under Isayas, the country is moving
forward at a speed you can hardly imagine... and pretty soon you will see Isayas's Eritrea becoming one of few self supporting nations in the third world... just give him
few more years... right now, most Eritrean villages have clean water to drink inside their
villages, their daughters don't have to go several miles to fetch water... now they go to
school instead. Rural electrification is happening in most Eritrean villages, schools
and health centers are in abundance in rural Eritrea. Roads and dams are all over
Eritrea... cell phone cervices and regular telephone connections are in many remote
parts of Eritrea. Hospitals, nursing schools, and medical and health science education
are being made available in various sections of the country... dairy farms, poultry farms,
beef fattening establishments, and all kinds of 'farm-cooperatives' are flourishing
like anything... vocational schools and community colleges are sprouting here and there.
Have you heard of the Agricultural research station on the way to Mendefera? It is another
thing that is showing a lot of progress. The department of public health is talking about having reduced Malaria by 80%plus ... they say they have eliminated a number of children's diseases... measles for example is completely eliminated. Foot and mouth disease (GulHai in Tigrigna) and other livestock problems
are disappearing fast because of intensive vaccination. Child mortality in Eritrea is now so low, Eritrea is among those countries who are said to have low mortality rate... for your information, life expectancy in Eritrea is now 63, not long ago it was in the forties. In Europe it is 75, and we are moving fast... aren't we? Bicycles totally manufactured in Eritrea except for their tires, are about to appear in the market. Starting the end of this year or so depending
on the weather, Eritrea is expecting to produce enough food .... there will be almost no
hungry Eritrean. Income from gold is going to happen pretty soon... oil is also being
searched... believe me, ato ....., pretty soon, the country will be riding high.. If you ask what is making this all... the answer is good government... good leadership... like I said in public Isayas is 'country and people first'.
     Let's all hope that the current political problems of Eritrea with Djibouti and Ethiopia
reach to a working solution, and our brothers and sister in detention see their day in court.
Las but not least, I am not from Tigrai, my village is Wokerti Hamasien, only 18 miles
from Asmara. Isayas too is from Tselot Hamasien only 3 miles from the old lines of Asmara.
Take care now.
Tesfai Kflu


Sent: Mon 5/30/2010
To: Kflu, Tesfai
Subject: Hello Isayasist

Selam Ato Tesfai,

"As you know me very well, I have always been a hard core Isayasist and I still am."

I use to enjoy reading you on on dehai. I don't recall all it's a long time but I think you had a good sense of humor, I thought sometime you include you daughter etc..

It's really troubling to read what you stated here above. Ato Tesfai, after the murder and killing of Sherifo, the incarnation of Aster and Petros Solomon, after the death of Aster Fesahatsion, after the death of Oqbe Abreha....

This are people we know....no matter their difference with Isayas they don't deserve to die like that...they don't deserve to spend their life like that ....he could just fire them from their job and that will be end of story....Off course you know similiar story like that...I just use them because those are people we can't deny their existence.

Are you still proud to call your self "hard core Isayasist"?

If it was for you, as soon as Isayas free "Dawit Isaak" and get rid of the headache from Sweden and he stops in the Somalia affair then, it doesn't matter about the rest he can keep his power and will be able to mask it.

Be honest to your self, is that what prompted you to write this e-mail. And incase any one question your loyalty to Isayas, you have to declare it publicly "I am hard core Isayasist, I don't believe his involvement in Somalia etc".

I don't know what motivate people to go to extra length to justify killing of a fellow human being. Do you see what you did any different than those people who were cheering "Hitler" for the killing of many innocent people.

Is it because you are "Tigraway" just like Isayas, no matter what he does you still wanted him to rule over the innocent people of Eritrea who gave you refugee and open their homes and hearts.

It's is a shame..you know him and his "Tigray" clique are killing our people and we will revenge sooner or later...It will not go for ever...the blood of Oqbe Abreha and others like them will not be forgotten.

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