[DEHAI] Shame on Africa's Useless (AU) Blind Observers...

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From: Haile Abraham (haileab99@msn.com)
Date: Thu May 27 2010 - 14:35:32 EDT

Selam Deahiers,
A news outlet calling itself "African Press Agency" reported yesterday that the organization of Africa's useless leaders, a.k.a. AU declared that the recent Ethiopian election as "free and fair." According to the news report this organization of Useless sent a mission of blind observer to Ethiopia and that the observers gave the Ethiopian election a "clean bill of health." It is perhaps that these blind observers where stationed at the Addis Sheraton and their only source of information was the Ethiopian television and Berekt Simon's lecture. However, on a sad note, it conitunes to be mind boggling to learn that these so-called African Leaders have elected to give Mama Africa the blind-eye (pun intended:-) as they seem to be etxremely comfortable with fattening their stomachs and wallets in the name of Mama Africa. Will there be a judgment day???????
Shame on AU once again!!!!
Haile A.
===================================== // ======================
Ethiopia-AU -Election observers

AU hails Ethiopian elections as ’free and fair’

APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) The African Union election observer mission to
Ethiopia on Wednesday gave the Ethiopian elections a clean bill of health,
announcing that the poll was held in a “free and fair” atmosphere.

The mission, which released its report in Addis Ababa said that the
elections were organized and conducted in accordance with the constitutional
and legal provisions and the rules and regulations governing the conduct of
elections in the country and were largely consistent with AU guidelines and
standards for the conduct of democratic elections.

The AU observer mission head, Sir Ketumile Masire, the former president of
Botswana said that the elections reflected the will of the people of

Masire described the elections as being free, fair and that favorable
conditions existed for voters to freely express their will.

Masire also congratulated the people of Ethiopia for their peaceful conduct
and active participation in the electoral process.

The AU observer mission was composed of 59 members drawn from the Pan-
African Parliament, national parliaments, high-level officials of election
management bodies, prominent individuals, ECCOSOC and members of civil
society from various African countries.

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