[DEHAI] OUR FLAG - The World Needs A Lecture!

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From: Araia G. Ephrem (agephrem@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Jun 02 2010 - 04:59:38 EDT


SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGkNNacIhng&NR=1&feature=fvwp

The winds will blow and the soft cloth will wave. And the colors shall give ways to the red, green, blue and yellow. Therefore, it shall wave. The flag shall wave! It is a cloth made by blood, therefore it shall wave. It entices the innocents to come and invites them to dance with her. Therefore, the galvanization of the new generation!

The world can't stand such a color. But the brave youth across the globe are telling a story. A story of fortitude. A story of substance. A story of solidity. A story of Eritrea! They collectively are saying "Don't Touch My People!"

Eritreans ain't a people who sit and wait for some Mana from the skies. Listen to how we pride ourselves. Be the promoter for Eritrea! And energize! Frankly, it is exciting!

Eritrea shall make history yet! Is is the "Land of Punt!"

SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGkNNacIhng&NR=1&feature=fvwp

Best wishes,
Araia G, Ephrem

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