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From: Bereket Habtemariam (dembe_hadish@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Jun 02 2010 - 21:28:56 EDT


All Eritreans, regardless of their political affiliation and/or
persuasion, have to be outraged by the unfair treatment our beloved
nation has been subjected to at the hands of the so called United
Nations. It is well-documented that throughout history we have been
betrayed, not once, but numerous times by the world body. Time and
again, our demand for freedom fell on deaf ears. Every Eritrean knows
that this organization has continuously denied our right to fight for
democracy. It has turned its back on us and totally ignored our quest
for liberation in the 1950s and through the ensuing decades of
1960-1990, until we finally achieved our independence thanks to our
heroic martyrs. Even following independence, we still find ourselves
fighting for equality and dignity which this organization has
continued to deprive us of. Lets face it; the UNs effort to
undermine our unity will continue unabated and it will always
underestimate our determination to stay free. It is every Eritreans
responsibility to spread the word that We NEVER kneel down.

We may not be able to completely disassociate ourselves from this
Disunited Nations, but we dont have to continue using its flag
symbol. The Golden Wreath, though it also stands for peace, is a
vivid reminder of the UN flag and its symbol. Ask any Eritrean
(young and old) what they think the wreath stands for. They will
tell you that it has to do with the UN. Dont get me wrong, it is not
the wreath that I dont like, it is the symbol and what it represents
that I have a problem with. I find the following statement by Nathan
Lamm (August 5, 2002) amusing. I have read that the olive wreath on
Eritreas flag symbolizes the UN and its role in helping with that
countrys independence. What help?

In place of the golden wreath, I propose the following:

- A map of Eritrea at the base of the red triangle (hoist side) and
an olive branch (minus the wreath) underneath the map (somewhat like
the one of the island nation of Cyprus). The olive branch represents

- A half sun rising from the horizon of the Red Sea symbolizing the
culmination of our bitter struggle and the arrival of our long-
awaited liberty and final independence. The half sun would also be
placed at the base of the red triangle. There would be six straight
rays representing the six regions or zones (Zobas), or nine straight
rays representing the nine ethnic nationalities of Eritrea. The
golden sun also represents the hard-working Eritrean people who are
the source of energy that keeps Eritrea moving forward.

- A combination of the two above.

See the attached flag samples.

Bereket Habtemariam

Lansing, Michigan



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