[DEHAI] The State of Eritrea Video

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From: ERI USA (eritreanamerican@gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jun 07 2010 - 14:54:57 EDT

The State of Eritrea Video.

 “Looks can be deceiving” is a very popular term that has been used in many
forms. Eritrean Americans have been following the Nazi like propaganda
against the Eritrean people and we have been able to investigate and share
our findings with friends of Eritrea as well as the peace loving people of
Eritrea from one corner of the world to another. On November 3rd, 2007, an
article titled “Shimelba Camp, another new attack on Eritrea” written by
Eritrean American clearly stated that the vast majority of refugees who were
at this camp were non-Eritreans using the ERITREAN IDENTITY to get their
refugee status and go to the west. Once there they will have been trained to
spy and intermingle and intermix with Eritreans in England and the U.S where
they will help create so-called opposition to the government of Eritrea.
This plan was also expressed eloquently by the news man Tesfaye Gebreab a
journalist who left the minority clique in Ethiopia to expose their true

Here is what was written in 2007,

*“The use of propaganda to make it seem like there are 15,000 Eritreans at
this camp is a failed attempt at confusing the large majority of Eritreans.
As a matter of fact more than 75% of the population is from Tigrai. It made
more sense for them to settle in the camp and get the small rations of food
for free than work and get the same amount in their little villages. The
small numbers of Kunama who are pastoralists were also used for numbers. By
the way the Kunama population of Eritrea is over 200,000 and with small
refugee numbers in Sudan & Ethiopia that lived near the border area of
Eritrea, Shimelba was an easy place to settle for free food rations.” 
** *

* *

*Article Written in November 2007*



The Human Trafficking network’s main advocates are non other than the Selam
Kidane’s, Petros & Paulos Tesfaghiorghis brothers as well as the handful
haters of Eritrea who have been on a mission to defame the Eritrean people.
Since they have all no hope for a chance at leadership positions in Eritrea,
they have been attempting to work closely with the enemies of Eritrea. They
are selling Eritrea to the highest bidder but the highest bidders of Eritrea
are the people and government of Eritrea who will bid even their lives to
protect the nation that so many lives died for.**

Recently a person by the name of Surafeal Wolday who claims to be an
independent producer and whose video production background is mostly using
public access channel in the Boston area that is free access to anyone has
produced a documentary that does not tell the real picture of “ The State of
Eritrea”. This person who does not know Eritrea other than the fact that he
claims to be from there also happens to be from the Boston area and grew up
mostly in Addis. Sources have indicated to us that he has not even been to
Eritrea recently. Let alone to document a story that has been created and
fabricated out of Eritrea and talk about a country he has no clue about he
may not even be a Eritrean for all we know. Most of his funds come from
non-profits like Dan Connell’s as well as certain anti-Eritreans who
continue to defame the people and government of Eritrea. They also get
taxpayers money in the name of a fake Eritrean community center in Boston
where they convene with enemies of Eritrea and talk about committing
treasonous acts. He along with the Woyane agents continues to fund the
project in its entirety. His childish work which is to use a name of a
country to show something that has been done completely out of the country
he mentions is to use the title “The State of Eritrea” but he has failed
miserably. The other trick is to use the name so that when people look at
the term “The State of Eritrea” they see this campaign of hate by the human
trafficking networks flourishing throughout the Internet.

Well after getting together with a group of young Eritrean Americans we felt
that it was time to make the public aware. Their documentary has been out
for a few months and the trailer has been on YOUTUBE for almost 6 months
now. So we have decided to put up our own version a small clip making you
aware that “The State of Eritrea” is a peaceful place and the safest place
on earth a place where religious harmony exists where people are working
hard to help develop their country and more. We are also making you aware
that the folks who are playing games by creating fake stories from Tigrai
using fake refugees and fake Eritrean producers like Surafeal are all made
up of the WOYANE PROPOGANDA MACHINE. Just like the Nazi Propaganda Machine.

As you all know people around the world have always argued what the proper
definition of propaganda is to distinguish it from other forms of mass
media. Here is one definition “*Propaganda is biased information designed to
shape public opinion and behavior*. “

The Nazi were really good at it and the Woyane today spending millions of
dollars in lobbying and funding anti-Eritrean elements seem to be doing well
at it. They are even using companies who are owned by those whose families
fought the Nazi, but at the end of the day they will fail miserably. Eritrea
has the anti-propaganda virus software and it will delete it forever, by any

Click on the YOUTUBE link and enjoy “FIHIRA” and a song from his new album
titled “Adey” MY COUNTRY with a little help from our friends Zemawi. By
clicking it and sending it to everyone the vast majority of Eritreans who
love their country you will do the image of Eritrea a good service.

“Emo Haye nezom hasusat nereyom, Ab Tahti Tiwoku”


Eritrean Americans

(This was an effort of a few friends who wanted to make the message clear)

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