[DEHAI] My Eyes Are My Ears

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From: hbokure@aol.com
Date: Tue Jun 08 2010 - 08:59:43 EDT

My Eyes Are My Ears
It was gloomy; the moon,
The nestless egg of the night
In formless skies
Was out of sight
Amid the clouds
Some as white as snow
Others as dark as a crow.
I drove and drove
Down, down the long road
Behind me not afar
I saw the blue light
From an approaching car.
I pulled my car with fright
The policeman with his flash light
Flooding directly in my weary eyes
While asking me something or so
In a very deep tone
I couldn’t understand him at all
As a hard of hearing
Who depends on lip reading.
I said to him, “ Please, Please”
My eyes are my ears
With which I could hear
And the light my sound
If you don’t mind
For your own kind
I am really blind
With your flash light
On my twin eyes.
He put off his flashlight slyly
While telling me
That I forgot to keep on car lights
Amid the dark abyss of the night.
Haile Bokure

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